Learn everything about pool coatings!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn everything about pool coatings!

There are so many pool coating options on the market that it's easy selecting one that matches your architectural design and that fits in your pocket. Thus, it is possible to find one of them that provides an incredible result for your pool, in addition to having several benefits that the coating can offer.

To choose a type of coating for your pool, it is important to consider some points, such as: style of the decoration you want, ease of maintenance and available budget. By examining these points, you will be able to find the ideal coating for your work.

Note that the coating that meets your needs is not always the right coating for another project. This is because the choice of the type of coating depends on some factors that are often specific to each person and to each proposal. Therefore, with the information that I am going to provide today, in this article, you will be able to evaluate which coating is best for you.

Among the information that I will provide in this article, you will understand what are the types of pool coatings, which are the best of them, what care must be taken to guarantee their quality, which is the cheapest, which coating to use on the edges and, finally, you get a bonus and learn how to waterproof swimming pools! Read to the end to get access to all of this content. Let's go!

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What are the types of pool liners?

As we have explained about masonry and reinforced concrete pools in other articles, one of their great advantages is the ability to customize the shape and finish of the pool. The coatings, therefore, have the function of composing the decoration, but they can also be better or worse when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. So let's get to know a little more about each of types of coatings for pools to help you with that choice.

  • Tile: it is the most well-known and most used coating because of its excellent cost-benefit and durability. To apply tiles, it is necessary to use specific mortars and grouts for this purpose. Also, the tiles offer a wide range of color options, even the most common being blue or green. The negative point of the tiles is in relation to maintenance, which is a bit more boring and special attention must also be paid to cleaning, as the grout causes greater accumulation of dirt.
  • Vinyl: vinyl siding is as if it were an adhesive that is applied to the already constructed masonry structure. Among the advantages of this type of coating, we have: low cost, variety of prints, quick installation, waterproof cover and simple maintenance. Cleaning should be done following the manufacturer's recommendations. One of its drawbacks is its durability, which is much lower compared to tiles.
  • Natural Stones: with a higher cost, natural stones are used for pool cladding, as they give a natural and differentiated appearance to the area. The most used is Hijau, which has a smooth appearance and a bluish or greenish color. Because they are porous, they tend to accumulate more dirt, which makes cleaning and maintenance difficult.
  • Glass tablets: tablets are a great option to give exclusivity to the environment. It gives a different effect to the pool, but it is one of the most expensive coatings. Maintenance is also quite simple. If you have a more flexible budget, it's worth the investment.
  • Ceramics: ceramic coating is a good option, as it offers various types of finishes and textures. In addition to the aesthetic effect, it is cost-effective and easy to maintain and clean.

These are the most used types of coatings for swimming pools and each of them has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is important to evaluate based on its characteristics which coating is most suitable for your work and then hit the hammer when choosing, right?

What is the best pool liner?

It depends. To answer this question, it is necessary to know what your priorities are. As I said at the beginning of this article, the type of coating depends on the aesthetic effect you want to give, the ease of maintenance and the availability of a budget. So there is no better or worse coating. Just for different purposes.

So, take a good look at what you need before deciding which coating you will use for your pool. All of them offer both advantages and disadvantages that make a difference in the final result and also in everyday cleaning and maintenance. We can say that all the types of coatings mentioned here are good options, you just have to know how to choose.

What precautions are taken to ensure the quality of the coating?

To ensure the quality of the coating for several years, you need to pay attention to the care that must be taken to keep them always beautiful and maintained.

The pool water itself, because it contains chlorine in its composition, can react with the cement in the grout and mortar and cause the ceramic coating to peel off, for example.

Some products commonly used for cleaning and treatment can also cause degradation in coatings. Therefore, before doing any procedure, it is important to consult the manufacturer to make sure that the coating will not be affected so that its lifespan is not reduced.

Just take the necessary care so that you have a preserved coating that lasts for many years! It's not difficult.

What is the cheapest pool liner?

To be very straight to the point, good old tile is the cheapest coating that exists for swimming pools. In addition to being able to find several tile models on the market, they also provide many benefits for the pool, such as durability and aesthetic effect. Maybe that's why tiles are the most chosen and preferred option for covering swimming pools.

Even so, it is worth evaluating the characteristics of each of them to find out which one best meets your needs, okay?

What coating to use on the edge of swimming pools?

Various types of coatings can be used on the edges of the pools. We talk more about this hereto. What is important to know about this is that the edge of the pool should preferably be covered with non-slip floors that do not heat up too much, to facilitate the movement of people around the place.

Two widely used coatings that meet the needs I mentioned are athermal floors and natural stones. They are the most used, non-slip and do not absorb as much heat, making them ideal for the edges of pools. These floors must be hydrophobic with BlokSeal Floors, the perfect product to protect the surface against the action of water.

Bonus: How to waterproof swimming pools?

You should know that waterproofing is one of the most important steps when building a pool, isn't it? Then, to reinforce, you must do the waterproofing on the inside of the pool, to protect it against the action of the water that is inside it and also on the outside, to protect the structure against the moisture of the surrounding terrain. By using the right product against positive hydrostatic pressures, you can have a protected pool, ensuring low maintenance for many years.

To do good waterproofing, it is essential to have a professional team and to use quality products. The best of them is Blok ST, a waterproofing agent that guarantees a structure protected against the harmful effects that water can cause.


Have you been able to find out which is the best coating for your pool? With what I said here, I believe that the information has shed light on you to find the best type of coating for your work. To decide which one suits your needs, consider your decor style, available budget, and how it will be maintained over the years.

Evaluating these items, it is possible to come to a good conclusion. Don't forget to waterproof your pool with Blok ST during its execution, as well as to use BlokSeal Floors on the edges of it. Talk to the team at Blok to learn more about these products. See you later!


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