Refractory brick: Learn all about this type of brick and how to use it!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Refractory brick: Learn all about this type of brick and how to use it!

Have you ever heard of refractory bricks? If your answer is no, rest assured, because I bring this article today to uncomplicate everything that this topic covers.

If you already know this type of brick, you know that it is ideal to be used in the construction of structures that are constantly exposed to heat, as they are highly resistant to high temperatures, right?

But do you know all the characteristics of this brick? If you have come this far, I am sure you are interested in learning and understanding more about refractory bricks, since they are important pieces for any work that requires these characteristics.

If you want to know about the main types of bricks that exist and what each one of them is for, visit our blog, because there you can understand everything about the most varied types of bricks available on the market and that can be used in construction.

But, if you're interested in knowing about refractory bricks, this article is for that. Here, it will be possible to understand the following relevant information on this subject: what is a refractory brick, what are its advantages, disadvantages, where to use it and how to apply it.

There is a lot of relevant information on the subject that will make the difference to guarantee more quality for your work. So, stay with me to get access to all that content!

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What is a refractory brick?

Before we actually get started, let's understand what a refractory brick is. Refractory brick consists of a brick that is made of specific materials that make it highly resistant to high temperatures and other external agents that may damage the work.

To guarantee this characteristic, it is made with more porous types of ceramic that are more resistant to heat transfer, making it ideal for places such as ovens and grills.

It is called “refractory” because of the materials that are used in its composition that have the characteristic of withstanding high temperatures without undergoing any changes in their physico-chemical properties.

Refractory bricks, unlike ordinary bricks that can degrade their structure when exposed to high temperatures, have chemical composition What makes them have a different color and thermal conductivity than ordinary bricks

Refractories are composed of clay containing mainly alumina and silica, which are elements capable of withstanding high temperatures. The amount of these two elements varies according to the temperature it must be able to withstand and also influences its tone and price.

For a brick to be considered refractory, it is not enough to withstand heat. It must meet the standards established by NBR 8826, which refers to refractory materials, characterizing them as natural or artificial products, generally non-metallic, but not excluding those containing metallic constituents, capable of withstanding high temperatures without deforming sharply and under specific conditions of use.

The NBR establishes the test that determines whether the material can be considered refractory or not. Take a look at Technical standard to understand more details about the methods used to classify a material as refractory.

What is a refractory brick good for?

Because of the characteristic of refractory bricks that they withstand high temperatures, they are used to build structures that are constantly exposed to heat, such as ovens and grills.

Thus, using them in these places, it is possible to have a resistant structure that does not easily degrade during its use.

Basically, refractory bricks are there to be used in this way. Therefore, it is important to enlist the help of professionals to identify the sites that should be built with this type of brick and also check the quantity that will be required.

However, there are architects who like to use apparent refractory bricks to build and cover surfaces, using their distinct aesthetic effect. But still, its technical function is predominant when it comes to the purposes of using refractory bricks in buildings.

What are its advantages?

In order for us to understand more about refractory bricks, you need to know which are your advantages and disadvantages to find out if it's the right brick for what you need. Let's start with the advantages, which are:

  • High temperature resistance: refractory bricks not only withstand high temperatures but also their oscillations.
  • Thermal and acoustic insulation: they are better in refractory bricks than in ordinary bricks.
  • Moisture: they are more resistant to moisture propagation than other types of bricks.
  • Design: they provide an interesting aesthetic effect and are an option widely used by architects in their projects.
  • Good cost-benefit: both the cost of refractory bricks and the mortars suitable for their installation do not present very high prices.
  • Mechanical resistance: they have good mechanical resistance.

These are some of its advantages. Of course, every material also has drawbacks. We will get to know them in the next topic.

And drawbacks?

Now that you understand the main advantages of using refractory bricks, you also need to know what disadvantages they can offer. So, take a look at this relationship:

  • Low compressive strength: because of this, they should not be used for structural wall construction.
  • The need to use traditional bricks together with refractory bricks to complete the project.
  • It does not allow the use of coatings on the bricks.
  • It does not allow its use in places where water and electricity pipes pass.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages that refractory bricks present, you have enough information to assess whether it is a good option for your work and if it meets your needs.

Where to use refractory brick?

As already said, refractory bricks should be used in places where there is a high exposure of the material to high temperatures. However, we can list some places where they are commonly used, such as: residential grills, residential fireplaces, industrial metallurgical furnaces, furnaces for civil construction, special furnaces (for the glass industry, ore calcination furnaces, hospital incinerators, asphalt plants, and others).

Refractory bricks are very versatile and, if used, for these purposes, they perform their role very effectively, offering resistance and durability for the entire work. Therefore, it is enough to study the project to know where to best use it, right? Having professional help and consulting the NBR's on the matter is essential.

How to lay the refractory brick?

The laying of refractory bricks requires some specific care, since traditional building materials are not able to withstand high temperatures. The joints between the parts are directly affected when in contact with heat sources, which can interfere with the stability of the entire structure.

Therefore, the use of specific mortars is essential in this case so that they can withstand heat.

The first step is to prepare the mortar, which must take place in a clean and dry container. Then the water must be slowly added and the dough must be mixed. When it has a homogeneous appearance, the mixture should rest for ten minutes and then it can be used for up to two hours with the use of a toothed cutter.

To apply refractory bricks, it is important to ensure that the joints are less than 0.5 mm wide. The bricks must be pressed onto the mortar cords and the leveling must be done with the use of a rubber mallet. Then the excess mortar from the joints must be removed and the brick surface cleaned with a damp cloth.

The application process is really simple, but that doesn't require a professional workforce, okay?


Did you just see how refractory bricks can be the ideal solution for building your home's barbecue or fireplace? They are a type of brick that has several benefits if used for specific purposes that we explain in this article.

Be sure to talk to the team at Blok to learn about the solutions we have for your work. I guarantee that you will not regret using our products. And, also read other articles available on our blog to understand more about various aspects of civil construction. Until next time!


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