Roof Waterproofing: Discover All the Options on the Market!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Roof Waterproofing: Discover All the Options on the Market!

Use roof waterproofing it is important to ensure the quality and useful life of the structure, as well as to avoid problems that may arise over time. One of the main bottlenecks in buildings is humidity, which causes infiltration and generates fungi, mold, cracks, paint peeling and even more serious damage to the building. For this reason, the waterproofing The correct roof guarantees every penny invested in the project.

The lack of waterproofing agent can cause the roof to fall off and trigger serious consequences. The roof is the part of the building that is most exposed to the incidence of sunlight, rain, wind and other climatic variations. The use of the correct roof waterproofing products reduces the chances of breakdowns caused by these timeless issues.

Therefore, in the long term, the system of waterproofing prevents overspending on renovations and a lot of headaches. In this post, we will show you the main methods available on the market and the most suitable products for protecting the roof of your property. Follow up!

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The importance of roof waterproofing

To guarantee the quality of the work, it is essential that the structural and architectural project has a good waterproofing system. This process will ensure the safety and durability of the entire structure. The use of specific products The purpose of roofs is to prevent moisture from entering porous materials that are subject to cracks and cracks, causing leaks and infiltrations.

Good waterproofing is beneficial for several reasons and, in addition to preventing the appearance of fungi and molds, it enables internal thermal insulation and improves energy efficiency. In addition, this method preserves the materials present on site, protects electrical installations and prevents respiratory diseases, promoting the well-being of residents.

Main types of waterproofing

There are a few types of roof waterproofing systems available on the market. Among the most used products are water-repellent silicones, acrylic varnishes and acrylic membranes. Learn about the main ones and choose the one that best fits your project.

Water-repellent silicone

O water-repellent silicone it is widely used in civil construction. Because it does not form a film on the surface, it maintains the porosity of the material and facilitates the evaporation of liquids, allowing the tile to breathe. The product penetrates the surface without modifying its original characteristics, such as color and brightness of the material. In addition, it is easy to maintain, since it is not necessary to remove the entire previous layer to reapply, just pass the water-repellent silicone over the existing one.

The waterproofing system with water-repellent silicone can be applied directly to the surface, without the need for specialized labor. This product does not generate waste and performs well against weather damage. Silicone is light, so it does not press on the roof and is suitable for most roofs, this is very advantageous in structures that cannot suffer from overloads of other materials.

This product is environmentally friendly and prevents moisture, protecting the place against the action of water and preventing the formation of mold and stains. In this way, the material prevents the region from problems that may compromise the aesthetics of the building. This method favors conservation, extends the lifespan of the roof, reduces the need for maintenance, is durable and provides a self-cleaning surface.

Water-repellent silicone should be chosen in cases where the appearance of the roof wishes to be maintained. Because the material will not change the color or brightness of the substrate. In cases where there are Cracks and cracks, this material is not recommended. In that case, the options below are more suitable.

Acrylic membrane (acrylic liquid blanket)

The acrylic membrane, popularly known as liquid blanket acrylic, is a waterproofing agent that is applied directly to the cold roof. It does not require application with a blowtorch and is highly resistant to UV rays.

This type of waterproofing forms an elastic film over the roof, covering cracks and cracks that may already exist in the material.

The acrylic membrane in white can also have a second function, as a thermal insulator, since it will reflect most of the sunlight responsible for the increase in temperature in the building's internal environment.

Common asphalt blanket

Produced with modified asphalt material, Asphalt blanket it has components that guarantee more strength, durability and flexibility. It can be formulated from various inputs, such as polyethylene, rubber, polyester, and fiberglass. Each of these products will have a specific competence, including noise reduction, thermal comfort and ultraviolet protection.

Aluminized asphalt blanket

The aluminized asphalt blanket differs from the common one due to its cover, which forms an aluminum film protected by a plastic film. This method is flexible and quite resistant to rain, sunlight and other types of weather. The application of this product is quick, practical and adheres to most of the materials used in buildings.

Adorsiated asphalt blanket

The adorned blanket differs from other products because of its protective layer formed by small mineral grains and natural slate scales. O waterproofing system with adorned blanket it has a better finish compared to the aluminized blanket.

In addition, this product is durable, resistant and has a variety of colors. However, for roofs with a slope of less than 30%, the adorned blanket is not recommended. Therefore, before deciding, it is important to consult a specialist to adapt the system that will best suit the building.

It is worth noting that in all treatments with asphalt blankets, the waterproofing load must be taken into account and assess whether the roof structure will withstand this extra load on it.

Acrylic varnish

Already acrylic varnish has other characteristics. Os waterproofing agents Acrylic resins are used In Lajes because they are very efficient. When applied to the roof, they form an elastic and flexible layer, offering coverage resistant to weather interference.

However, the formed film may modify the standard characteristics, leaving the surface matte, shiny, or satin. The product dries within 72 hours and must be applied directly to the surface. There are several types of acrylic varnishes, with different specifications. Therefore, before buying it is important to find out which one will best suit your project.

The negative side of this waterproofing system is that it can deteriorate due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. The surface tends to be yellowish, cracked, and may even peel off. To avoid further aesthetic problems, it is important that maintenance be carried out at the first signs of wear and tear.

Important Tips

Before performing roof waterproofing, it is important to know the architectural design for Product choice that will best serve you. It is also essential to have the help of specialized professionals both to define the best system and for the application. A tip is to apply the chosen product to clean and dry surfaces and, if it presents imperfections, such as holes, cracks or cracks, it is essential to correct them beforehand.

The initial investment in a waterproofing system will be offset by the need for few maintenance interventions over time. In addition, occasional repairs can cost up to 15 times more than the price of the work. On the other hand, the cost of waterproofing roofs normally corresponds to 1% to 3% of the total value of the project.

Therefore, use roof waterproofing favors the durability and safety of the construction, in addition to offering excellent cost-benefit ratio. Therefore, look for the system that best meets the needs of your project and guarantee the physical integrity of your property to avoid future damage and overspending.

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