Sandwich tiles: is it worth it? Learn all about them here.

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Sandwich tiles: is it worth it? Learn all about them here.

The choice of the type of tile that will be used in a construction determines several characteristics for a work, ranging from aesthetics to thermal and acoustic comfort and room lighting.

Therefore, it is important to know which type of tile best suits your needs and your construction project. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know the various Types of tiles that are available on the market as well as their main features so that you can decide which one best fits your project.

I believe you are looking for information in this regard and I am sure that this article will help you understand about sandwich tiles, which are a great option for buildings.

If you are in doubt about which tile to use in your work, read this article to the end to learn about sandwich tiles, which are one of the first options in the construction world, as they offer several advantages.

Here, you will have access to information such as: what are sandwich tiles, what are their types, their advantages and disadvantages, when to use this type of tile, what is the price found in the market and how is the application and maintenance of sandwich tiles.

I will also give you a tip to make it even easier to install the tiles on your work: an infallible product that will provide more quality and reduce the maintenance of the entire roof of your building.

If you want to have access to all this content that I prepared especially for you, just continue here with me!

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What are sandwich tiles?

First of all, I will explain to you what the Sandwich tiles. If you already know, don't skip this part because reminding is always valid.

Sandwich tiles are better known by this term, but they are thermoacoustic tiles, used to provide thermal and acoustic comfort to buildings. Those are its great differentials. They are metal tiles and consist of galvanized steel sheets with a thick layer of thermal insulation between them, which can be made of styrofoam or polyurethane. This layer is what differentiates sandwich tiles from the others and it is it that guarantees thermal and acoustic comfort, unlike those that don't have this layer, which get too hot and make noise in the rain, for example.

The insulation must be at least 30 millimeters thick, but may vary according to the level of acoustic insulation that the customer wishes. Regarding the material used in the layer, styrofoam or polyurethane should be chosen according to the desired objective: if you want to prioritize thermal comfort, polyurethane is more suitable, while styrofoam is better for acoustic comfort.

What are the types of sandwich tiles?

Can we divide the sandwich tile in two Types, which are:

  • Double sandwich tiles: these are the most commonly used, composed of two metal sheets and a thermoacoustic coating inside (styrofoam or polyurethane). More common and efficient.
  • Simple sandwich tiles: they are cheaper and less used in construction. The simple sandwich tiles have only a steel plate on the top exposed to the environment, the thermal coating in the middle and an aluminum sheet on the bottom.

These are the two types of sandwich tiles that exist in the market. As I said, double tiles are the most used and, therefore, are the most efficient in the sense of thermoacoustic comfort. However, it is important to evaluate your case, as simple tiles are cheaper and also have several interesting benefits.

What are its advantages? And drawbacks?

Let's now understand what are the Pluses and disadvantages of using sandwich tiles in your work. With this information, you can better assess whether it is an interesting option for the objective you want to achieve.

As for the advantages, we can mention:

  • Thermoacoustic insulation: this is the great differential of sandwich tiles, being very similar to the thermal comfort provided by ceramic tiles. The thermal insulation index is quite high and is hardly found in other types of tiles with the same price. Therefore, it generates a very large economy. As for sound insulation, sandwich tiles provide the best of them, as they prevent sound from passing into the building. Thus, it is ideal for places with external noise, such as avenues, concert halls and high traffic of people.
  • Energy savings: due to its excellent thermal insulation, it requires less energy expenditure with air conditioners to reach the desired temperature.
  • Safety: these tiles do not cause fires, ensuring more safety for buildings.
  • Moisture reduction: sandwich tiles provide adequate water flow and can be called waterproof since they do not facilitate infiltration and dripping into the building.
  • Customization: they are tailor-made, which gives freedom to the customer and also avoids expenses that are not foreseen in the budget.
  • Easy Maintenance: the maintenance of these tiles is very simple and does not require different work. I'll talk about that in a later topic.

Regarding the disadvantages, we can talk about the high cost and the need for specialized professionals to carry out the installation. However, despite the higher price, sandwich tiles offer an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Thus, when we talk about price, it should not be evaluated in isolation, since all its advantages, such as low maintenance, must also be taken into account.

When to use the sandwich tile?

The sandwich tile is suitable for places that are located in regions with a lot of external noise, such as buildings that are located near avenues, subways, high traffic of people, soccer stadiums, in short, any place with loud sounds that may disturb those inside the building. They are also widely used in warehouses.

In addition to roofing, their most common use, as they are custom-made, sandwich tiles can be used as partitions or facades. It is worth using creativity to enjoy the benefits that these tiles offer.

What is the price of the sandwich tile?

I mentioned in a previous topic that the sandwich tile is not the cheapest, but what is its value, anyway? Well, you can find sandwich tiles on the market that range from 44 to 72 reais per square meter.

In addition, the price varies according to the region of the country and also according to the thickness and type of material that is used as insulation. Therefore, it is essential that you get a good quote with suppliers to pay a fair price for the tiles. But of course, always choosing those who work with quality products.

How is the application and maintenance of the sandwich tile?

The installation of sandwich tiles must be done by trained professionals who have experience with this type of work. There's no use buying a good tile and installing it the wrong way, because that way, you don't enjoy all the advantages it can offer.

During the application, therefore, you must use BlokSil MS on the fixing bolts and between the overlays of the tiles. Thus, you prevent any type of infiltration that may occur and protect the building from any future inconvenience.

As for maintenance, we can say that it is quite simple, but some care is necessary, such as: checking if there is anything on the roof that could prevent water from flowing out or causing corrosion spots, cleaning if the tiles are used on facades and painting if there is discoloration (always following the manufacturer's recommendations).

Of course, no material is exempt from care and maintenance, but they can be simple to make everyday life easier. Sandwich tiles are a good example of materials that require little maintenance and provide several benefits, making them a great option for you.


With the information I brought you here today, it is possible to analyze whether sandwich tiles are a good option for your work. If you choose them, remember to use BlokSil MS to prevent infiltration and unwanted problems from occurring. Talk to the team at Blok to learn more about this product and many others that may be the solution you need.


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