Learn how to use and maintain these 5 types of concrete floors

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn how to use and maintain these 5 types of concrete floors

The most diverse types of concrete floors are increasingly used in civil construction. As new technologies and techniques were implemented, it was possible to improve the mechanical strength and flexibility of the parts. All this while reducing the risk of pathological manifestations related to breaks, cracks and cracks.

However, to obtain these benefits, it is necessary to carry out periodic maintenance of the floors with waterproofing and floor hardening strategies. Do you want to know everything about the topic? Check it out!

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5 floor types Of concrete

Here in Brazil, there are five most commonly used methods for manufacturing concrete floors.

1. simple

This type of concrete floor does not use any internal structure to increase the mechanical strength of the concrete. Therefore, it must have external support to prevent breakage and cracking. For this reason, it is generally used as a floor in small residential or commercial buildings. Therefore, it often has a large thickness and a greater number of joints per square meter.

In smaller areas, the simple concrete floor can be pounded and applied with the wet mass in projects with less load circulation and little thermal expansion. However, the most common is the use of plates with gaskets. That is, the plates will be separated by a few millimeters according to the expected expansion due to the surface temperature. Thus, it is possible to prevent the parts from breaking or warping due to the lack of space for accommodation.

These joints are known as expansion joints. This space of expansion joints, as much as it may be, it is not recommended that it be left unprotected, which is why they are used sealants that fill the space, accompany the movement and do not allow dirt to take over the space that the floor has to work with.

2. Armed

In the case of reinforced concrete, there is a single or double reinforcement of internal reinforcements. They help to maintain the cohesion of the parts or floors, to reduce retrenchment due to the thermal, mechanical or curing stress of the concrete and to the distribution of the weight incident on the surface, among other benefits. For this reason, it may have a smaller thickness compared to a simple floor, and the joint density per square meter may be lower.

The reinforcements greatly improve the durability of the floors. However, that doesn't mean armed is better than simple. Because they require a more complicated manufacturing process, they are relatively more expensive. In floor projects installed directly on the ground and with good joint planning, simple is excellent. However, in more sophisticated buildings and constructions, arming is better.

3. Pretended

It is one of the most advanced technologies in terms of concrete structure. The metal armor has a complex and dense weave with a progressive load transfer system. In addition to the rigid metal bars, a steel cable system is also installed. During the manufacturing process, they are placed on the uncured concrete and are connected to a set of hydraulic jacks.

These devices will tighten the cables as the concrete reaches the resistance level desired by the calculator. The tension force of the cables is also measured by the professional, according to the needs of the project.

As a result, some benefits are achieved: increased mechanical strength of concrete, greater flexibility, reduction of cracks, lower joint density and greater durability.

4. With metallic fibers

Instead of using traditional reinforcement with metal bars and beams, this type of floor uses metal fibers. With this, it is possible to add the structural part during the manufacture of the concrete, without having to do the step of placing the meshes.

In addition, the fibers are more conformable and flexible and, therefore, increase mechanical resistance in the face of traction and the ability to handle thermal expansion. This also reduces the number of joints and greatly improves the prevention of cracks, since the fibers are evenly arranged in the concrete.

5. With synthetic fibers

In structural terms, synthetic fibers are very similar to metallic fibers. However, the material used is different, the plastic polymers. They make it easier to work with concrete during manufacturing. However, they can only be applied to floors that will be subject to light and intermediate loads. Another important advantage is corrosion resistance, preventing pathological manifestations related to the weakening of metal meshes.

Another advantage of using this type of fiber is that it assists in the homogeneous distribution of fine and coarse-grained aggregates throughout the concrete profile, without segregation. In this way, the concrete will be more homogeneous, with greater resistance and better final finish.

The maintenance of concrete floors

The maintenance of concrete floors does not have many challenges if it is done in a preventive manner. On the other hand, corrective maintenance is very complex and generally requires the complete replacement of the parts, if the metal reinforcement is significantly corroded, degraded spots are grouted or even having to redo places where it is impassable, as is the case in many cases of industrial floors.

The major challenge in this case is the prevention of wetness, because it is responsible for most of the problems. A non-waterproofed concrete will absorb a greater amount of water. Liquids naturally expand volumetrically more than solids. Then, a piece or floor with a lot of moisture in its pores will have a much higher internal pressure and a propensity for cracking.

In addition, slowly, she can Wash the minerals present from the concrete, reducing its mechanical resistance. Visually, there is nothing changed with concrete, but at a microscopic level, the density of solid particles is reduced. Then, faced with loads, there may be a breakdown of the floor.

Superficially, a process called erosion can still occur — the surface wear caused by water flows. In this sense, waterproofing by means of water repellents it may be interesting to increase surface tension and mitigate the effects.

Another way to prevent excessive wear and tear on the concrete floor surface is to use surface hardeners preventively. This will increase the abrasion resistance of the concrete floor and reduce future maintenance related to its wear and tear.

The hydrophobition, sealing and hardening of the floors of concrete

Therefore, efficient maintenance is based on an adequate hydrophobition, hardening and sealing design that take into account the characteristics and use of the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the types and the right systems.

Hardening of the concrete surface

Surface hardening of concrete floors can be done both on industrial floors and on residential concrete floors. Here, the objective is to increase the abrasion resistance of the surface, reducing wear over time and increasing the durability and finish of the floor.

Hardening work should be seen as a preventive measure against floor wear and not as a reactive measure, after the floor has already been damaged. In this way, reducing the cost of maintenance over the years.

This type of application is very simple, so it should be considered to be done whenever possible. It is enough that the floor is clean and dry to apply the surface hardener. The application of the product can be done with a manual or mechanized sprayer, according to the location and the indications of the product manufacturer.

Once the product has cured, traffic can now be released normally, with the guarantee that the floor will have much less wear and tear, in addition to maintaining its new appearance for longer.

Waterproofing the concrete floor

It is not enough to have a new floor or to be maintained in relation to the current surface hardening, it must also be protected from other forms of aggression from the external environment.

One of them is the penetration of water into its structure. I have spoken in other articles about pathological manifestations that happen when there is seep, and the concrete floor is no different.

Protecting the concrete floor against moisture is one of the most important ways to keep it intact and with little maintenance over time.

That is why it is important to use products that repel water entry, such as water repellents and varnishes.

Sealing of expansion joints

All structures undergo some type of movement due to the thermal gradient of the environment. Not differently, concrete floors are also affected.

Due to temperature variations, concrete floors undergo dimensional variations and, therefore, they must have a minimum spacing between the cloths, according to the structural design of the floor or the prefabricated parts.

These spacings are called grouts, in the case of prefabricated parts or of expansion joints, in the case of industrial concrete floors.

In order for these spaces to be preserved and the concrete pieces or floors to be able to move without obstacles, grouts are placed or, in the case of industrial floors, sealants are used to fill those spaces. With this, allowing the cloths to move and not emerge Trincas or cracks in the floors.

Therefore, all types of concrete floors are extremely durable and versatile options in your work. With proper preventive maintenance, it is possible to avoid most pathological manifestations and to be reassured about the safety of the structure.

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