Do You Want To Learn Everything About Water-repellent Silicone?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Do You Want To Learn Everything About Water-repellent Silicone?

Do you want to know everything about water-repellent silicone? Check it out here!

Have you ever heard of water-repellent silicone? Do you know what it means to be a water repellent product? And, what is it for?

This is a very important subject, but little discussed and that's why we're here: to answer all your doubts about this water-repellent silicone!

I'm sure it will be very useful and will add very important information for you to apply to your works!

Therefore, I divided this article into topics, covering the most common questions about water-repellent products, more specifically, about water-repellent silicones.

Come with us to learn everything about this topic and get rid of all your doubts!

Water-repellent silicone for façades, water-repellent, concentrated silane, siloxane
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Water-repellent Silicone

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What is a water repellent product?

Os water repellent products they are nothing more than products used for the purpose of repelling water, providing greater protection and conservation for various types of substrates.

But is water repellent the same as waterproofing? This is a very common question and people treat it as if it were the same thing, but there are some differences between them!

The first of these is related to film formation when applied to surfaces. While, once applied, the water repellent does not form a film, allowing gas exchange, the waterproofing promotes film formation, making the material more resistant to the action of water. And that's where the second difference between these products occurs: resistance to water action.

Because it does not form a film, the water repellent allows the surface to remain porous, allowing liquids to evaporate, while repelling water. However, it cannot be used when there is an accumulation of water for a long time, such as in swimming pools, water tanks, or surfaces without falling.

The waterproofing agent, when forming a film, alters the aesthetics of the material that will receive the product, in addition to providing greater resistance to the action of water, being ideal for use in places where hydrostatic pressure is constant, that is, in places where water accumulates, unlike water repellent.

Therefore, the water repellent, in addition to not altering the surface, requires less maintenance. Do you want to know how? As it does not form a film, just reapply the product! As for the waterproofing agent, it is necessary to completely remove the previous product to apply it again, which is a lot of work!

Basically, the water repellent is a product used for the purpose of repelling water, protecting the substrate from the action of water and humidity and, thus, avoiding pathological manifestations and providing greater conservation and ease of maintenance!

Now that we understand what water repellent is about, let's understand what it's for!

What is water-repellent silicone used for?

Well, as we explained in the previous topic, the water repellent serves to protect the surface from the action of moisture and water, that is, it acts to repel water.

When applied, the substrate is protected, blocking infiltrations, thus preventing the formation of pathological manifestations that affect the aesthetics and durability of the material.

Very common pathological manifestations, resulting from contact of the substrate with water or moisture, such as efflorescence, stains, mildew, armor corrosion and fissures, can be prevented very easily with the use of water repellents.

After all, what is water-repellent silicone good for? Briefly, we can answer this question with the following definition: protect the substrate, without altering its characteristics, against the action of water or humidity, allowing gas exchange between the substrate and the medium. In this way, we have a preserved surface with prolonged durability. In addition, the water-repellent silicone allows for very simple maintenance!

Among the water repellents available on the market, those based on silicone are the most sought after and used in civil construction. The different formulations of the water-repellent products depend on the type of substrate where it will be applied, the type of structure and the exposure it will be subject to.

Because they are widely used by civil construction, let's delve into water-repellent silicones! How about knowing more about this product so important for any project? Then come with me!

What is water-repellent silicone?

O water-repellent silicone it is one of the most used water repellent products and is composed of molecules based on silane and siloxane. But what is silane siloxane? The name is scary, but I guarantee it will be simple to understand!

Silane siloxane is a polymer that can be diluted with water or other aliphatic solvents. All of them, after mixing and adding other additives, form water-repellent silicones!

Let's not stop there, do you know why the polymer is called “silane siloxane”? O Silane Siloxane it is a molecule, composed of two functional groups, playing different roles in the surface hydrofugation process. While silane acts in the process of adhesion of the product to the substrate, siloxane acts in the sense of water repellency.

Because they offer several advantages and excellent results when compared to other products, water-repellent silicones have been widely used in civil construction. But what are the benefits that make water-repellent silicones the preferred ones on the market? Let's present the advantages they offer in the next topic! Keep reading!

Advantages of water-repellent silicone

What are the advantages that water-repellent silicone offers when used in your works?

  • Increased substrate lifespan;
  • High durability and resistance to the actions of water and moisture;
  • Reduction of maintenance;
  • Creation of “self-cleaning” surfaces, avoiding the accumulation of dirt and ease of cleaning;
  • Does not change the characteristics of the substrate;
  • It promotes gas exchange between the substrate and the medium, by maintaining the porosity of the material;
  • It prevents the occurrence of pathological manifestations due to infiltrations.

Water-repellent Silicone on Facades

Water-repellent silicone is an excellent option to use on facades, because it does not alter the original characteristics of the surface and offers all the advantages listed in the previous topic!

In addition, the facades are completely exposed to the elements, which require constant maintenance as they are permanently suffering from the effects of water and humidity.

For this reason, water-repellent silicones are the ideal solution, which act exactly in this regard: increasing their durability, reducing maintenance, preventing the occurrence of pathological manifestations and facilitating cleaning.

A Blok developed the best water-repellent silicone on the market, BlokSeal, which is a water-based water-repellent silicone that makes the surface waterproof by easily repelling water.

It promotes an invisible layer of protection that prevents infiltrations that can damage the substrates.

Be sure to check out all the advantages that BlokSeal offers for facades! To learn more about it, click here.

Water-repellent Silicone on Floors

The floors are also very exposed to the action of water and deserve special attention when it comes to protecting their surfaces to better preserve them.

With that in mind, water-repellent silicones entered the market with the objective of increasing durability and resistance to friction as well as reducing floor maintenance costs.

BlokSeal Floors carries this purpose: easy to repel water, without altering the original characteristics of the floors in addition to reinforcing porous floors, reducing cleaning and maintenance costs.

Discover BlokSeal Floors and check out all the advantages I presented here! In addition to it, Blok has developed several products that will guarantee more quality and excellence for your works!


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