Waterproofing Acrylic Membrane: Everything About This Product [2024 Guide]

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Waterproofing Acrylic Membrane: Everything About This Product [2024 Guide]

Os waterproofing systems are essential in buildings to guarantee the durability and integrity of structures. Over time and under the influence of climatic factors, the most common damages are infiltrations that cause the proliferation of fungi, mold, peeling, and corrosion of the structure's girder. To avoid these inconveniences, there are several products available on the market and acrylic membrane It's one of them.

A waterproofing using acrylic membrane is a flexible and quite versatile method. Therefore, it can be used in indoor and outdoor areas, such as slabs and roofs. Easy to apply, the solution is sold ready for use and must be applied directly to the surface, with the aid of brushes or rollers. This product forms a protective layer that preserves the structure against the harmful effects of moisture.

It should be remembered that the efficiency of the process will depend on the choice of the most suitable waterproofing system for each project. In this post, we will show the benefits of acrylic membrane and what is the difference between it and asphalt membrane. Happy reading!

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Prefabricated and Molded in Loco Membranes

Acrylic membrane is the popular name for the product's technical name, which is liquid membrane. This type of waterproofing agent can be manufactured from various materials, such as acrylic polymers, polyurethane, silicone or asphalt.

Within the categories of membranes, there are two large groups, the prefabricated and the molded in situ.

Here in Brazil, the most common prefabricated membrane is the asphalt membrane, which is ready to be installed. There are other types of prefabricated membranes on the market, but we'll leave that topic for a next article.

As for the membranes molded in situ, the most used in our market are liquid acrylic membranes, which are manufactured from acrylic polymers. Other chemical bases are also found on the market, but we will not discuss them in this article either.

Asphalt membrane

To avoid aesthetic and structural problems, techniques of waterproofing are widely used by engineers and architects in civil construction. One of the most used materials in this process, precisely because it is easy to apply and efficient in thermal insulation, is the asphalt membranes. The product can be applied to slabs and roofs.

It prevents moisture and water from seeping and dripping, protecting furniture and appliances that are inside buildings. By applying this waterproofing agent, it is possible to prevent the proliferation of mold and fungi, safeguarding the health of the occupants. In addition, the asphalt membranes favors the durability of the structure.

Acrylic membrane

The c is another flexible waterproofing system. Made of acrylic resin, its versatility allows it to be applied in various places, inside and outside buildings.

The purpose is to protect the structure from inclement weather, such as wind, rain, and the incidence of sunlight. The relative rapid release of space for use also draws attention in this product.

Another advantage of this type of material is the easy application, since it does not require the use of a blowtorch and fire, as is the case with the application of asphalt membranes. For this reason, this type of material has been taking hold in the market and is becoming one of the best alternatives to traditional asphalt.

Difference between acrylic membrane and asphalt membrane

So much a acrylic membrane as for asphalt membranes, they are used in order to protect and preserve the building structure. The difference between the two products lies in the elements of the composition and the form of application. Asphalt is the most used in projects where there are very large waterproofing areas or where there will be vehicle traffic and is made of material derived from asphalt mixed with components, such as fiberglass and polyester.

A Asphalt membrane it is a product sold in precast rolls and must be applied to the surface, already with a primer, with the help of a blowtorch. At the end of the application process, this membrane must receive a layer to protect against impacts. This material cannot be exposed to the sun's rays, as the asphalt will be degraded by UV rays and its role as a waterproofing agent will end.

The liquid membrane, on the other hand, is a flexible acrylic product that can be applied directly to the surface in a practical way, without the use of heavy machinery and a lot of labor.

This product is suitable for waterproof roofs and slabs, such as asphalt, but without the need for protection against the sun's rays. It can also be used on exposed and traffic-free slabs, marquees, external walls, and roofs.

How to apply liquid waterproofing membrane

To guarantee the efficiency of the waterproofing system with liquid membrane, it is essential that the product be applied correctly. The first step is to clean the surface that will receive the treatment. This step must be done in any and every process to concrete waterproofing. Cleaning is essential to ensure that the product holds better in the region.

It is important not to skip this phase, because any impurity present at the site, such as Moulding release, grease or dirt, will directly influence the performance of the waterproofing agent.

Then, the surface can now be prepared to receive the acrylic membrane. If the place needs to be rinsed with pressure water jets, it is necessary to wait for complete drying before application.

Another essential step is the adjustment and execution of the flow to the water drainage points, which must be at least 1% in the direction of the drains.

In situations where the slabs were recently concreted, the ideal stated by the manufacturers is to wait about 15 days for the application of the product.

Another important tip is that all cracks must be repaired before applying the acrylic membrane.

Drains, plinths and all corners must be rounded to avoid Trincas and cracks in those spots.

It takes more than one coat

For the correct application of the acrylic membrane, more than one coat is required. Recommended are three coats, with intervals of three hours each, performed crosswise, in directions perpendicular to each other. This product is sold ready to use, but can be diluted with water to make it easier to adhere to the first coat. Place the product directly on the surface with the help of ordinary paint rollers or brushes.

For each square meter of the site, the quantity indicated by the manufacturer of the acrylic membrane will be used, so make the precise calculation to avoid waste or lack of material. The product also cannot be applied to very cold surfaces (below 10°C) or with high temperatures (above 35°C), so as not to compromise the chemical healing processes. Every two years it is recommended that a new layer of the product be applied.

The best solution for your construction

O Blok ST, a product similar to acrylic membrane, is suitable for surface waterproofing. This acrylic membrane is flexible, formulated with mineral additives, synthetic fibers and acrylic resin, and offers optimal adhesion conditions. The Blok ST is ideal for sealing and eliminating leaks, as well as effectively combating moisture.

Very versatile, the product is perfect to be used in wet areas such as swimming pools, water tank, reservoirs, slabs and foundations. High quality, it guarantees greater durability to the building.

Therefore, a good waterproofing system and quality products are fundamental in any architectural project and guarantee the safety and integrity of the structure. In addition, infiltrations can cause harmful damage to human life and serious building problems.

Therefore, hire a reliable service provider, with qualified professionals, and choose the best liquid waterproofing membrane to meet the specifics of your project. In this way, it is possible to avoid excessive expenses with renovations and to preserve the health of those who occupy the property.

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