Waterproofing Project: Learn Everything Before Starting Your Work!

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Waterproofing Project: Learn Everything Before Starting Your Work!

The project of waterproofing it is one of the most important stages of a work. Brazilian technical standards require it to be done in all architectural projects for collective or private use. With this, the safety and comfort of users can be guaranteed.

Since the rules are not very simple, I prepared this post especially so that you don't have any problems while running the service. Follow up!

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What is the importance of a waterproofing project?

Waterproofing is one of the most important moments of a project. It is responsible for mitigating or eliminating risks related to one of the main agents of deterioration of building structures: humidity. With this action, you protect the unit from the passage and unwanted accumulation of liquids - and, in some cases, vapors.

These substances are present in the daily life of any building, in the most diverse environments, such as:

  • The rain on the roof, on the walls and on the floors outdoor;
  • water in wet environments such as bathrooms;
  • places with water under constant pressure, such as swimming pools and reservoirs;
  • the vapors released during bathing and cooking food;
  • surface cleaning;

Given the mapping of all these points, it is necessary to make a good waterproofing project. It will ensure that the best strategy is used in each location, providing greater protection, excellent cost-benefit and unique durability.


This is the main objective of any building project, as humidity brings unhealthiness to the environments. Humidier air compromises thermal comfort, since water particles absorb calories from the environment to change to a vapor state. So, no matter how much you have invested in thermoacoustic insulation, without waterproofing, your efficiency is reduced.

In addition, when moisture hits walls and other building structures, mold and dust mites quickly appear. Most people have some level of allergy to them. In more severe cases, they may even develop an asthmatic attack. Therefore, waterproof it's a matter of quality of life.


When there isn't one waterproofing project, everything is done in an improvised way. This has a very high cost for the work. After all, several reactions may be necessary, since a certain system or type is not compatible with that surface.

For example, you may end up using rigid waterproofing on a surface that has a large expansion or movement. So, quickly, they can appear fissures that will not be protected against the action of moisture.

In addition, you may end up oversizing the amount of certain waterproofing, causing great waste. Doing a project means analyzing each structure, raising its requirements and planning every detail from purchase to application. This brings much better results.

The architect Elka Porciúncula, in Construction Forum, explains the effects of the absence of a project:

If we study the cost of good waterproofing, we will see that it varies between 1% and 3% of the total cost of the work. If the services are performed only after finding problems with infiltration in the finished building, the cost of waterproofing far exceeds this percentage. This is because redoing the waterproofing process can generate an increase of 10% to 15% in the price of the service.

What do regulatory standards say about waterproofing projects?

Another major benefit of a waterproofing project is ensuring that all regulatory standards (NBR) are complied with. We will explain the main rules, below!

NBR 9575

This standard aims to present the minimum requirements for a waterproofing project in civil construction, in order to generate healthiness, safety and comfort for users. It states that this document must be prepared by a legally qualified professional and must consist of two stages: “the basic project” and the “executive project”.

The first must contain all the graphic and descriptive information of the waterproofing solutions that will be used in the work, such as:

  • definition of the areas to be waterproofed, as well as the equalization of the interferences that may occur between components and construction elements;
  • definition of waterproofing systems;
  • performance study;
  • spreadsheet with a quantitative survey;
  • cost estimation.

Therefore, it must demonstrate how each element meets the demands of watertightness and durability in the face of the action of fluids, vapors and moisture, which must be done during the coordination phase of construction project activities.

The executive must be even more descriptive, including, in a comprehensive and unambiguous way, which waterproofing systems will be used. It is necessary to provide details about the application in each structure, such as:

  • plans for the location and identification of waterproofing;
  • graphic description of the specific and generic details of the solutions adopted;
  • Memorial descriptive of all materials and waterproofing layers;
  • memorial describing the procedures that will be adopted in the execution;
  • spreadsheet of quantities of materials and services.

By its nature, it must be done in conjunction with the other executive projects of a work.

NBR 9574

This standard establishes that the waterproofing person must only provide their services upon presentation of the technical documents of NBR 9575, which must include:

  • a descriptive and justified memorial;
  • drawings and details specific to that work;
  • all the specifications of the services to be performed and of the materials used;
  • a quantitative spreadsheet delimiting the number of services to be performed;
  • indication of the form of measurement in relation to the services that will be performed.

The executor will be responsible for complying with all the rules, and is responsible for any failure resulting from the divergence of the project.

Thus, having a complete and well-done project is a guarantee that your company complied with legal requirements.

What are the types of waterproofing projects?

The main distinction that must be made at the beginning of the project is between areas subject to mechanical risks or not. Thus, you can choose the best system:

  • Flexible — suitable for regions exposed to expansion due to thermal variations, vibrations or strong exposure to the sun. Here, the waterproofing agent must be applied to the surface and they usually come in the form of blankets and membranes;
  • Rigid — ideal for more stable regions with a lower risk of cracking or cracking. It is usually applied to mortar Or not cement as an additive

What are the best tips to ensure a successful waterproofing project?

Ensuring the success of this step is a relatively simple task. First, your company must hire professionals or services specialized in waterproofing. Project experience is essential so that there are no errors or omissions.

After that, it is essential to have a supplier of very high quality products. After all, the main problems that occur after carrying out waterproofing are usually due to the use of dubious or unknown marks, as well as failures when applying substances.

Following my recommendations, your waterproofing project it will certainly be very successful. In the end, you will have a very comfortable construction that complies with all regulations on the subject. For this reason, having high-performance products and specialized companies is essential.

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