3 Waterproofing Service Tips You Need to Know

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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3 Waterproofing Service Tips You Need to Know

The service of waterproofing in civil construction is essential to ensure the durability and integrity of the structure. This process reduces the chances of problems caused by infiltrations, such as the proliferation of fungi, bacteria, mold, paint peeling and even more serious damage that can compromise the entire building structure.

A waterproofing consists of sealing or sealing certain surfaces to protect them against the damaging effects of moisture. This process must be carried out from the initial stage of the work, that is, in founding. In this way, it is possible to guarantee a longer useful life to the structure, avoiding excessive maintenance expenses.

To learn more about this type of service, read this article to the end. In it, we will show you how to correctly apply the products and the types of waterproofing available for construction. Check it out!

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What are the types of waterproofing?

There are two types of waterproofing: the rigid and the flexible. The rigid system does not accompany the movement of the structure and must be used on surfaces that are not exposed to climatic variations, soil movement, or subject to Trincas and cracks, such as wall plinths and baldrame beams.

In the flexible system, on the other hand, it is possible to extend and absorb cracks, following the surface. For this reason, it is recommended for places exposed to adverse weather conditions, which may suffer from moisture and infiltration, such as terraces, slabs, water reservoirs and balconies.

How to carry out the waterproofing service?

O waterproofing service must be well done to ensure more efficient results. When performed incorrectly, the waterproofing will fail, leaving the structure subject to pathological manifestations, damaging the reinforcement and brickwork of the building.

Therefore, it is important to use quality products and rely on a trustworthy company to carry out the service, in order to obtain better results. When applying the product, it is essential to follow all the manufacturer's guidelines.

Waterproofing must be carried out before the coating is laid, continuously and horizontally, starting from the plinth, rising about 20 cm towards the floor.

In the case of a shower cubicle, it is recommended that the waterproofing be raised to at least the shower level, so that moisture does not cross the ceramic coating at unprotected points.

The surface must be clean, dry and regular. Before applying the product, use a primer, indicated by the manufacturer, which will make the connection between the waterproofing agent and the surface.

Upon completion of the waterproofing service, it is essential to carry out the testing of watertightness to check for possible leaks. Thus, all water drainage points in drains and floors must be closed, leaving about 5 cm of water. After 72 hours, it must be checked for runoff and a decrease in level.

In addition, it is essential to follow the rules established by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association - ABNT. TO NBR 9574/2008, for example, determines the requirements and recommendations related to the execution of the services of waterproofing, so that the minimum building protection conditions against moisture and infiltration are followed.

What products are used for waterproofing?

Os waterproofing products The ones to be used in construction depend on the chosen waterproofing system and the place of application. There are systems that use polymer mortar, acrylic or asphalt emulsion, caulk, water repellent or hydrofungant products.

When choosing the most suitable waterproofing method for your work, it is essential to rely on inputs from trusted companies. Blok offers a complete line of high-quality waterproofing products for all types of construction.

Therefore, investing in a good waterproofing service guarantees the durability and safety of the work, providing savings in maintenance processes.

Did you know that the waterproofing project is one of the most important construction phases? Read this article and discover why it makes all the difference in the construction result!


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