What is the importance of watertightness testing for waterproofing and how to do it?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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What is the importance of watertightness testing for waterproofing and how to do it?

The tightness test for waterproofing it is a matter that has everything to do with precision and safety. There is no other way to ensure that an area is properly waterproofed if the test is not performed. This peculiarity makes more and more people (professionals in the field or not) rush to learn how to test the surface on their own. But can the process be done by anyone?

The waterproofing test is also called watertightness. This word conceptualizes the property of an element to block the passage of fluids or penetration. The same also applies to a set of components.

There are different types of tests. All of them are fundamental, varying according to the construction project or renovation. In this article, we will explain why this check matters so much and how it will bring results relevant to your work. Follow up!

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Why is waterproofing testing so important?

As we described above, checking the tightness of the surface is the same as testing its waterproofing. O Act of waterproofing It is a very common action in renovations and works, guaranteeing the interception of water flow from a surface, forwarding it to the devices that will promote disposal or reuse.

A well-waterproofed area is protected against rainwater, washing, bathing, or any other action that makes use of water. This protection is of crucial importance, since contact with water can cause problems such as the displacement of floors, the appearance of fungi and bacteria, corrosion of the reinforcement in the reinforced concrete, among other pathological manifestations. Thus, well-done waterproofing emerges as an asset of the work, guaranteeing a safe, well-prepared finish with a longer lifespan.

What are the types of waterproofing?

There are two most common types of waterproofing: rigid and flexible. Keep following to understand the difference between the two.

Rigid waterproofing

Rigid waterproofing is recommended to be used in places without major movements of the structure. Surfaces less exposed to thermal variations can also benefit from this option. This waterproofing is done with the application of polymer mortars.

In this case, the structures that most choose the rigid format are:

  • foundations;
  • baldrames;

Flexible waterproofing

As its name suggests, flexible waterproofing is aimed at places where the structure can move without causing losses to the other elements of the building. As an example, we can mention the use in:

  • balconies;
  • bathrooms;
  • walls of Arrimo;
  • gardens;
  • slabs (mixed, solid or precast);
  • upper water reservoir;
  • terraces;
  • kitchen floors;
  • service areas.

The most popular products for applying waterproofing flexible are the polymer membranes, molded on site.

How is the waterproofing test performed?

The application of the waterproofing precedes the test. Once it is well applied, it is necessary to perform the water load test to check the efficiency of the system. The minimum test duration must be at least 72 hours. In addition, whether on slabs, pools, balconies or any construction elements, there are different ways to carry out the assessment.

It is interesting to keep in mind that if flaws are found in the efficiency of the application, repairs must be made as soon as possible. Keep following up to understand how the most common options on the market work.

Water slide test

As the name suggests, this test consists of applying a quantity of water to the surface over a period of at least 72 hours. If any are identified Evidence of infiltration, you must repair the problem and repeat the test for subsequent release. It is worth noting that this test depends a lot on the observation of the designers, inspection teams, and those who apply the waterproofing.

Test with electrical devices

There are electrical equipment known as “hole and fault detectors”, which can be very useful when testing watertightness. They work thanks to the voltaic arc closure and can prove the quality of surface sealing in a non-destructive procedure.

Infrared thermography test

There is also the possibility of evaluating the systems or construction elements of a building thermographically. This method serves to emphasize the detection of inconsistencies in temperature standards. Thus, when there is a difference in the standards analyzed using this non-destructive method, it is possible to verify the watertightness of the waterproofing in a highly accurate manner.

Electric field vector mapping

As much as waterproofing materials are not electrically conductive, water is. In this technological method, water itself is used in a waterproofed area to identify the position of the faults. To do this, it is necessary to assemble an electrical circuit on the test surface and energize it. This process will create an electric field mapped by the locators of potential waterproofing faults.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

GPR is a geophysical test whose methodology is the propagation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves. If the spectrum hits the interface between materials with different dielectric permittivities, part of the wave will reflect toward the surface and the rest is refracted.

Who should perform the test?

Any and all types of waterproofing tests must be carried out by the contracting company of the services and by the organization that performed the waterproofing. Thus, the necessary repairs can be repaired with more precision and convenience.

Anyone can initiate the procedures of a water slide test on a waterproofed slab, for example. However, only an experienced person will be able to interpret the test result within the right time, knowing how to proceed.

There are companies specialized in this segment with professionals prepared to handle watertightness tests. The process carried out by a professional can bring many gains for the project manager, both in terms of time optimization and process excellence.

The tightness test is recommended by ABNT NBR 9574. She recommends that the tests be done immediately after the waterproofing is performed. Therefore, take precautions, ensure good quality of work and be successful at all stages of construction.

The best tip for those who want success at this stage is to have good waterproof products. The greater the chances of guaranteeing a good result in the waterproofing test, the lower the concerns about rework and rising costs.

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