What are the most suitable waterproofing agents for construction and renovation?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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What are the most suitable waterproofing agents for construction and renovation?

If you've come this far, it's because you're building or renovating, am I right? If that is not the reason that brought you to this article, it is also valid because today I promise to provide important information for civil construction. So if you want to learn more about this topic, read to the end, because I guarantee that you will master the subject and can invest in your works to obtain even more profits!

First, let's clarify a few points... did you know that waterproofing is it a fundamental stage in the construction process of a work or in any renovations? Many people think that waterproofing should be done when the so-called infiltration occurs or even do not appreciate this stage before the structure begins to suffer damage and expect the worst to happen.

And that's where the problem lies: although it is possible to repair the damage to the material or structure that has suffered as a result of the action of moisture, you will spend much more and the work will be immensely greater, so it pays to do a correct waterproofing right from the start of the work.

Knowing this, I prepared this article so that you understand the reason for correct and preventive waterproofing, even before the onset of pathological manifestations. But you may be wondering: “what does this have to do with how to know which waterproofing agents are most suitable for construction and renovation?” and I tell you: EVERYTHING! Do you know why? To know which waterproofing agents you should use in your construction, it is essential to understand, first of all, the importance of doing good waterproofing during construction!

Then, to know which products to use, it is necessary to understand which places should be waterproofed in a building and which waterproofing agent is suitable for each of these areas. That's what I'm going to bring in this article! So, stay with me!

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What is waterproofing?

This is a very basic question, but you need to know how to answer it! Well, we can define waterproofing as a process of applying specific products to surfaces that are subject to weather conditions, especially water.

You know that water can cause terrible damage to surfaces and structures, since it is possible to see various pathological manifestations just by walking through the streets or visiting buildings, right?

But then, if it's a fact that people know that humidity causes so much damage, why does it keep happening all the time? That's easy to answer: why isn't one made waterproofing in the right way!

Basically, waterproofing is a procedure performed through the application of products with the purpose of sealing, sealing, or bridging porous materials and their possible flaws. The application of the various types of products must always be done respecting the particularities of each material and surface where it will be applied.

Why Waterproof?

With the information I have given so far you must have understood the reason for waterproofing, right? But I'm still going to present you with more arguments to get into your head, once and for all, the importance of waterproofing! Shall we go?

You already know that waterproofing is a very important stage during the construction of any work. But did you know that most of the problems caused in buildings come from infiltration?

And that many of the pathological manifestations so common in construction sites, such as cracks, fissures and white spots (efflorescence) are also caused by the harmful action of water? If you do research on the problems affecting real estate, I'm sure that a significant portion comes from seeps. Have you ever thought about how many problems and expenses would be avoided if you had done adequate waterproofing?

When discovered early in construction, problems associated with waterproofing can be more easily identified and eliminated. However, it is common for them to appear after the work is finished and their repair requires much more financial resources in addition to emotional exhaustion.

To give you an idea, the costs that involve repair resulting from waterproofing faults can be up to fifteen times greater than if planned in the project and carried out during the work as a preventive measure!

The cost to apply a waterproofing system to a building, considering design, consulting, inspection, execution and materials, represents only 1 to 3% of the total cost of the work, and re-waterproofing can represent up to 25% of the total cost of the work. By this, I mean that proper waterproofing avoids unnecessary expenses!

In addition to inconvenience and expense, living in an environment that has undergone proper waterproofing is a quality of life, since humidity creates an unhealthy situation for the environments, which can cause numerous health problems.

As I said, to know which waterproofing agents are most suitable for construction and renovation, you need to know which places within a building should be waterproofed and then which products are most suitable for each area.

What places should be waterproofed in a building?

As surfaces There are several who can and should receive waterproofing agents, but let's mention the most important ones that should be on the priority list when planning your project.

Some years ago, waterproofing was only done on the outside of buildings, as it was understood that it was the place most exposed to the action of water. In fact, it is one of them, but nowadays, this idea has changed a lot and it has been concluded that many other areas of a building must also be waterproofed! Let's know what they are:

  • Baldrame: it is one of the main places to be waterproofed, as it is the foundation of a building. Because it has the function of protecting the entire structure against the effects of moisture, a minor waterproofing failure can cause very serious problems throughout the work;
  • Subfloor: infiltration may occur due to negative pressure, which may cause stains and dislocation of the floors;
  • Wall plinth: infiltration may occur due to capillarity coming from the ground, which may cause stains, bubbles in the paint, mold, and rotting of wooden baseboards;
  • Facade: as we have said, it is an area that is very exposed to the elements and that, if not waterproofed, problems may arise on the outside and inside of the property.
  • Slab: because it is a place exposed to rain, it must be waterproofed to prevent the appearance of leaks and other problems in the indoor area;
  • Toilets, water tank and pool: because they are wet areas and that are in direct contact with water, must be waterproofed;
  • Retaining wall: Retaining walls play a fundamental role in ensuring the stability of a mass or slope and, therefore, must be waterproofed so that their structures are preserved so that they can prevent landslides and collapses.

What waterproofing products should be used in each of these locations?

The main places to be waterproofed in a building or renovation are those mentioned above. For this reason, they must certainly be on the priority list when planning a project. If there is a lack or failure of waterproofing in some of these places, the damage can be large and often irreversible.

But how do you know which waterproofing agent to use in each of these places? To choose the right product, you need to know what type it is: rigid or flexible. Knowing this, the choice of the product becomes safer, simpler and, of course, less likely to go wrong!

Classifying these areas according to the type of waterproofing agent to be used, we have:

  • Rigid waterproofing agents must be used on: baldrams, wall plinths, subfloors and facades (depending on the location of the facade);
  • Flexible waterproofers: facades (depending on the location of the facade), slabs, bathrooms, water tanks, pools and retaining walls.


Now that you know which areas of your work should be waterproofed, it's time to learn about Blok products to guarantee the best results! A Blok Develop your products for the most varied substrates and, more than that, he understands your problem and presents a solution!

Do you want more than that? It also offers technical support that guides you as to the correct application of the product. Therefore, define the places to be waterproofed and consult us! We are ready for any challenge! I hope I helped and see you next time!


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