What is the best waterproofing agent for concrete?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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What is the best waterproofing agent for concrete?

When we talk about doubts that arise during the execution of a work, it is normal for many of them to happen and, generally, it is not very difficult to find their answers. Just talk to a professional or specialist to learn how to do the procedure the right way. We are here today to answer yet another one of those doubts. In our blog, you also have access to various subjects that commonly generate questions and uncertainties when it comes to getting your hands dirty. Take a look at the articles we made, because I'm sure they will help you in some way.

Today, we are going to answer a question that, surely, must have crossed your mind at some point: What is the best waterproofing for concrete? If you work in civil construction, you know that waterproofing is one of the most important stages of a project. This is because a fault or lack of waterproofing in a work can cause not only aesthetic but also serious structural problems. That's why we're here to solve one of the big problems, which is concrete waterproofing, one of the most used materials in buildings. But to know what is the best waterproofing agent for concrete, we need, first of all, to understand where and in what way it will be used. Here, we have listed the most common ways of using concrete and I will present the right product for each of them, okay? Then read to the end!

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How to waterproof precast concrete?

Precast concrete is nothing more than a part produced in the factory and not at the time of construction. To know the ideal type of waterproofing agent in this case, you need to know in what form it will be used. For example, if precast concrete is produced to be used as a wall, the best waterproofing agent is BlokSeal, which, in fact, is a water repellent that protects the entire structure against water infiltration. If precast concrete is made to be used as a floor, you will use BlokSeal Floors, which is also a water repellent, but specific to be used on floors, protecting them against the onset of any pathological manifestation that may arise as a result of water infiltration.

How to waterproof exposed concrete block?

Exposed concrete blocks are widely used and, because they are exposed to weather conditions, such as rain, they need to be protected. It is common to use exposed concrete blocks on industrial warehouse facades and in commercial projects, but their use is gaining more space in civil construction, and it is possible to find them in various other types of buildings.

Therefore, it is very important that waterproofing be done in such a way as to protect them against moisture and its consequences, such as efflorescence, a fairly common pathological manifestation in this material.

To protect the concrete block, simply apply BlokSeal, a water-repellent product that creates an invisible layer on the surface, preventing the passage of water and the occurrence of its possible consequences, the pathological manifestations.

How to waterproof concrete coatings?

It is possible to find various types of concrete coatings, both for floors and walls. In both cases, waterproofing is essential. If there are infiltrations, various types of pathological manifestations can occur, leaving aesthetics compromised in addition to the expenses and inconvenience to repair.

Therefore, if you need to waterproof concrete floor covering, you should use BlokSeal Floors. In the case of concrete wall coverings, it is used BlokSeal. Do you know the difference between them? Only the place of application, but the protection of the material is guaranteed in both cases. Therefore, when buying, it is important to mention which place will be waterproofed to use the right product, okay?

How to waterproof polished concrete?

Polished concrete is one of the preferred options for commercial projects because of its high strength and durability. However, it also needs to be waterproofed to prevent efflorescence, cracks and other problems resulting from infiltration. In this case, you will need to use BlokSeal Floors, a water repellent that protects the entire surface against moisture and its consequences.

How to waterproof concrete floors?

Whether polished concrete, hydraulic tile, athermal cement floor or any other type of concrete floor, it is essential that it be waterproofed. Concrete is a porous material that is subject to infiltration, which can cause pathological manifestations that are not always very simple to resolve. To avoid this problem, you must apply BlokSeal Floors, a high-performance water repellent that, when applied to porous floors, creates an invisible layer of protection that prevents water infiltration. BlokSeal also helps with cleaning, as it prevents dirt from accumulating.


To avoid problems with seeping into concrete, you cannot fail to protect it by applying specific products. Although it doesn't seem like it, concrete is a very porous material and must therefore be waterproofed. Waterproofing prevents many problems such as cracks, cracks, efflorescence and even other more serious pathological manifestations that are not always simple and cheap to solve. Therefore, it is not worth saving at this stage, because if there is a lack or failure of waterproofing, you will certainly have to face future problems, which cause inconvenience and unplanned expenses.

So, whenever you are going to use any of these types of concrete in your construction, you need to immediately think about how to waterproof them. And the Blok He is the one who has the best solutions for waterproofing, or rather, hydrofuging concrete. Therefore, talk to our team to better understand how the products will keep your concrete free of moisture! Remember that waterproofing before the onset of pathological manifestations avoids major inconvenience and expenses in the future!


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