When building any residential development, industrial or commercial, it is necessary to plan several steps very carefully, so that the execution becomes efficient and very safe. A waterproofing, for example, is the service that guarantees the protection of a building against the action of external factors. That is why it is a step that must be taken into account when planning.
But, after all, What is waterproofing in civil construction? That's what we're going to talk about now! Do you want to know what it is and what are the types of waterproofing employees in civil construction? Then continue to follow the text and also see the importance of this procedure! Have a good read!
What is waterproofing in civil construction and what is it for?
Waterproofing in civil construction it is a procedure adopted with the objective of sealing, filling or sealing porous materials and their possible flaws, which are caused by technical defects or structural moments during execution. The procedure is applied with different compositions, in order to avoid the action of the elements from seeping into any part of the work — slabs, walls, roofs, openings, walls, among others.
When the person responsible for the construction does not value this stage, he places the entire structure and several other elements totally at the mercy of pathologies, such as mold, oxidation, stains and deterioration of parts.
It is worth noting that a civil construction project includes several projects, such as finishing, hydraulic and electrical, and must also include a project of waterproofing. The professional who has the function of planning the waterproofing of the work must develop it in full compliance with the regulations of the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).
On October 17, 2010, the new standard ABNT NBR 9575:2010 came into force. It establishes the recommendations and requirements related to the selection and waterproofing project. So, it is worth remembering that this standard determines the minimum requirements for the protection of the work against the passage of fluids, as well as the requirements for safety, health, and user comfort, in order to guarantee watertightness of the constructive parts.
What are the areas that can/should be waterproofed?
See, below, the areas that need to receive waterproofing:
- foundations and Baldrames;
- terraces, slabs and all uncovered areas;
- flat roofs and roofs;
- wettable floors, such as those in the kitchen, washroom and service areas;
- Water tanks, water reservoirs and swimming pools;
- walls that receive wind rain and walls where water flows;
- rainwater drainage gutters;
- door sills that open out;
- window sills and frames, among others.
What is the importance of waterproofing a construction site and what are the long-term benefits?
Waterproofing is indispensable in buildings, after all, it helps prevent water from bathing, washing, or rain from causing moisture and seepage in the environments, thus avoiding the appearance and proliferation of fungi and molds, the compromise of construction structures and various expenses, both of time and money.
The lack of waterproofing can cause various problems: stains on the paint, floors loose, health problems among residents, oxidation of column and beam hardware, peeling coatings, devaluation of assets and, in more serious situations, may compromise the safety and stability of the construction.
Waterproofing the construction correctly is, without a doubt, the best way for those who want to guarantee the safety of the work in areas exposed to moisture. See, below, the main advantages of waterproofing.
Avoid future problems
A complete waterproofing service, applying quality products and complying with application standards and drying times, manages to prevent water leakage and moisture from appearing in the future. People who neglect these steps will certainly find their work quite compromised in relation to long-term structural stability.
Guarantees economy
Many may think that dispensing with the waterproofing phases will be much cheaper for construction. However, at the end of the day, as soon as problems start to arise, the bill will come out much higher than expected.
Waterproofing the structure is a preventive measure that needs to be considered before problems start to appear. This type of thinking will prevent interventions and disturbances in the work, which will cost much more rework and investment.
Increases durability
The durability of the construction is also another advantage. Excellent waterproofing guarantees the greatest durability, preserving the aesthetics of the work and making it much safer.
See, below, what are the types of waterproofing!
Rigid waterproofing
There are two types of classification of waterproofing. Remember that, for this purpose, the smallest or greatest possibility of cracking is considered. The rigid one is recommended for areas that are not subject to movement, such as warehouses, basements and galleries, or that are not subject to very large temperature variations.
It is made from the use of chemical waterproofing additives in materials used, or applied in the form of a membrane on each of the surfaces. For this reason, it cannot be used in places that undergo great thermal changes and that have movement, since both the waterproofing agent and the structure will suffer from the appearance of cracks and, consequently, humidity.
Flexible waterproofing
Flexible waterproofing should be used for any other type of area. It is made with the use of materials developed with elastomer and polymer and can be installed or premolded on site. The waterproofers used here have much more elastic properties. Therefore, they are able to conform to the structure during movements and, in this way, cover cracks and fissures.
It is worth remembering that there are two main types of flexible waterproofing:
- the blankets, prefabricated;
- As membranes, molded on site from processes under cold or heat.
What are the most used waterproofing systems?
Systems refer to the technique used to waterproof a site. It depends, in particular, on the surface to be waterproofed. Then, check out the following systems:
- acrylic emulsion — this is the acrylic base with elastomer that forms an excellent liquid membrane for waterproof walls, canopies, slabs and roofs;
- polymer mortar — these are polymers that are added to cement and aggregates and thus form a perfect coating waterproof. It is very suitable for pools, basements, water reservoirs, baseboards and elevator wells;
- sealants — a product that has sealing properties is used to fill joints, frames and elements in general, in addition to cracks and Trincas;
- asphalt emulsion — it is a monocomponent that is completely applied cold and requires mechanical protection. It is used on terraces, slabs and cold areas;
- water repellent or water repellent — it is a material that repels water and keeps the surface very dry. As this product does not change the appearance of the place where it is applied, it can be used on facades of concrete, stones, bricks and tiles;
- Asphalt blanket — a modified type of asphalt containing polymers. The purpose of the blanket is structuring, which is why it is suitable for flat and inclined slabs and wet or humid areas.
It is worth noting that the use of quality products to perform waterproofing in civil construction is of paramount importance. This way you guarantee safety for people who transit the place and much more durability of the structure.
Blok, for example, in addition to having great respect for the consumer, is a company that invests in seriousness and transparency to offer much more than high-quality products. With almost 30 years of history, Blok offers, through its product line, complete chemical solutions, with specialized support in civil construction.
Anyway, now you know What is waterproofing in civil construction and he also knows that it is essential to preserve the works and avoid famous pathologies, such as fungi and molds. In addition, it is worth remembering that, in order to avoid construction losses, special attention must be paid to ABNT standard.
Now that you have seen the importance of waterproofing in civil construction, be sure to contacting with us to learn about the best solutions for your job!