Why use white granites in your construction?

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Why use white granites in your construction?

Granite is one of the most used natural stones in buildings, and it is very easy to identify it because of its unique appearance. However, although they have a certain resemblance, you may have seen that there are several variations of granites, altering the shades or shapes given to the granulated pigments.

Because it is a very common stone, we decided to separate a good content about granites, more specifically, about white granites, so that you no longer have doubts when choosing which stone to use for your work.

If you follow our blog, do you know that we have already done an article about white marbles and there we explain some of the differences between them. It is very common for people to confuse granites with marbles since both are natural stones, but there are big differences between them. However, granite offers great advantages such as a more affordable price and greater resistance when compared to marbles.

For this reason, we brought this article to clarify all doubts about white granites and how you can include this stone that offers so many benefits for the environment in your construction. If you already have white granite in your house, I will teach you a very important technique to help preserve it for much longer! So, continue here with me to get access to all of that information.

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What is white granite?

Granite is a stone extracted in nature that is widely used in buildings because of its advantageous characteristics, such as hardness, resistance and beauty. Thus, it is very common to find granite as a coating for floors, walls, countertops, stairs, in short, and can be applied in various ways to environments.

Granite is made up of one or more minerals, and its most common form is a mixture of various materials, including quartz, mica, and feldspar. Granite emerged through the cooling and solidification of magma composed of these materials inside the Earth's crust, which is what gives it its unique visual appearance and its immense variety of shades, colors, and personalized grains.

One of its unique characteristics is its unmistakable appearance due to the granulation present in the stones. It is also an extremely hard and resistant material, and can be used in places with high traffic, as the degradation of the material is very small.

What is the difference between granite and white marble?

As we mentioned in the introduction to this article, there are those who confuse marbles with granites, but do you know the difference between them? Although they are natural stones and have similar characteristics, the main and most visible difference is their appearance.

While granite has a pigmentation similar to dots, marble has a more uniform color, with defined veins. Thus, by verifying the homogeneity of the stone, it is possible to identify whether it is marble or granite.

Another difference between granite and marbles is in relation to porosity and strength. Granite is much less porous and more resistant than marbles, which are more delicate pieces that are more prone to stains and degradation. And the last difference between granites and marbles is in terms of price, with marble stones being much more expensive.

If you want a natural stone for your construction, consider using granites, as they offer a very beautiful finish with an affordable price.

What are its advantages? And drawbacks?

White granite is one of the most popular because it gives a clean and illuminated appearance to environments. They also go well with any decoration style because their color is very neutral. The other shades of granite do not always match any decor, so the advantage to use white granites.

In addition, white granites, like any type of granite, are very resistant and durable materials, and can be re-polished if necessary, guaranteeing even longer lifespan.

Its resistance is much higher than other types of coatings, making it ideal for places that are subject to impact and high traffic. They also have a low porosity index, being more protected when in contact with water. Because it is white, cleaning becomes much easier, as the dirt is visible.

And finally, the great advantage that granites offer is in relation to the price, since when considering all their advantages, the price is quite affordable when compared to other types of light coatings.

The biggest disadvantage of white granites is in relation to the appearance of stains, if the stone is not waterproofed, which can damage the shade of the coating, compromising all its aesthetics. However, this is an easy problem to solve. Just apply the right product to protect the stone!

What are the types of white granite?

It is possible to find several on the market types of white granites and that's what we're going to talk about in this topic. Among the most common variations of white granites, we have the following:

Siena white: one of the favorites, this type of white granite has smaller, more uniform grains and a beige hue. It also has a low absorption rate.

Itaúnas white: more similar to marble because of the greater homogeneity of the stone, it has a beige tone with some red, gray and greenish spots.

Polar White: also known as Ceará granite, it has spaced and natural patches in shades of gray and black. It is one of the most expensive options because of its low absorption.

Ivory White: it is not as homogeneous, with a light and slightly greenish background, with few black spots on its extension.

Dallas white: it has a light background with purple and black grains scattered throughout its length. It can receive various types of finishes and is very versatile.

Aqualux white: it has a light beige background and several pigments close to the background color of the stone. It is more uniform because the spots are small and close to each other.

Fortaleza white: it has a light background, with small dots in gray and black, and is not very homogeneous. It is one of the most affordable models on the market and is quite resistant.

Now, considering the characteristics of each type of granite, you can analyze which one best fits the needs of your work. So do a lot of research before closing.

What is the price of white granite?

O priced of granite is much smaller when compared to marbles and other coatings. However, you should consider that it is a very resistant natural stone that lasts for years. Cleaning and maintenance are pretty simple too. For this reason, it is generally worth investing in granites since they are very beautiful pieces that give elegance to any environment.

The square meter is around 300 reais of most types, but the polar one, one of the most expensive, is found for 500 reais. In any case, they are cheaper and more resistant than marbles and give a very interesting effect to the decoration of the rooms. Then it's up to you to decide which one is the best option for what you need!

How should white granites be cleaned and maintained?

White granites, because they are light in color, can stain more easily. That's why I'm going to present you with a solution to prevent your stone from staining and lasting much longer, protecting it and making it even easier to clean.

You need to know and use BlokSeal on your white granite, an excellent water repellent that, after being applied, creates an invisible layer that prevents water from passing through.

With BlokSeal, its stones do not degrade under the effects of humidity and can come into contact with water without any problem. In addition, because it hydrophobates the entire surface, it prevents the accumulation of dirt, making cleaning even easier. That's why using BlokSeal makes your granite beautiful for much longer!

As for neatness, we can say that it is quite simple. Just wipe a damp cloth over it to remove surface dirt. It is not recommended to use chemicals or abrasives, as they can damage the material. If the granite is hydrophobic, it is possible to wash it without any problem.


Now that you've learned everything about white granites, you have more basis for deciding which is the best coating for your construction. Whether marble or granite, you will be able to count on the benefits that these natural stones provide to the environments.

But, don't forget to apply BlokSeal to ensure more beauty and durability for white granites, right? When deciding which stone you will use, talk to the team at Blok to learn about the best solutions you need to guarantee a longer lifespan for it!


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