Data Privacy Policy - Version 2

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Privacy policy for Blok Impermeabilizers

1. General Information and Settings

Blok Impermeabilizers (brand of Souza Filho Impermeabilizers LTDA, CNPJ 14.109.788/0001-83) respects and values everyone's privacy, for this reason it created this Privacy Policy to demonstrate its commitment to protecting your privacy and Personal Data, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation (General Data Protection Law - LGPD).

The Blok website contains links to other sites. Our privacy policy only applies to our site, so if you click on a link to another site, read their privacy policy.

1.1 Definitions

  1. LGPD. General Data Protection Law (law 13709/2018). This Law provides for the processing of personal data, including digital media, by a natural person or by a legal entity governed by public or private law, with the objective of protecting the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.
  2. User. All individuals or legal entities that access/visit the site, and may, in the event that individuals are still identified in this Privacy Policy as a “Data Subject”, as provided for in the LGPD.
  3. Personal Data. Any information provided by the user when filling out the contact form that: (i) identifies an individual, either alone or when used together with other information; (ii) that identifies the contact information of a natural person. Personal Data does not include generic business contacts, such as e-mail or business numbers (@empresa) that do not identify an individual. The LGPD does not protect the data of legal entities.
  4. Sensitive Personal Data. These are data whose treatment may result in discrimination against their owner, such as data related to religion, sexual or gender orientation, philosophical or moral convictions, associations and unions, and political opinions. We do not collect Sensitive Personal Data.
  5. Cookies. Small programs that are stored on the user's computer through the browser, retaining information related to their preferences, not including any Personal Data. We use Cookies on our site to track page performance, newsletters, forms, site preferences, and electronic payment management. Details about these Cookies and the activation options see the Cookies Policy tab
  6. ANPD. National Data Protection Agency. Law enforcement regulatory body.
  7. Legal Bases defined in the LGPD and used in BLOK: 1. Purpose: BLOK's purpose/purpose for the processing of Personal Data; 2. Necessity: Reason/justification for which it is necessary to collect Personal Data, achieving the Purpose and avoiding any excessive collection; 3. Execution of contracts: Whenever the customer (data subject) uses our site to purchase products.

2. Collection and Use of Personal Information

The User is aware and agrees that they provide information consciously and voluntarily when filling out any forms posted on Blok's communication channels. All data filled in and/or provided by the User to Blok, on our forms or websites, will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose that motivated the registration, according to Purpose and Need.

2.1 What data do we collect?

The data collected will be those entered by you in our forms. Personal Data may, once collected, be in any medium or format, including digital format, computerized records, or even paper files.

2.2 How is the data collected?

We collect data and process data when you use our Contact page. In it you inform us:

  1. Your first and last name;
  2. Your email address;
  3. Your landline or mobile phone number, with DDD/DDI;
  4. Tell us the reason (s) for your contact;
  5. Tell us how we can help with the caveat that confidential or sensitive information should not be filled out on the form.

The data received directly will be transmitted to us only after your consent (SEND button) and used strictly according to the Purpose and Necessity established here.

The User is aware that, consciously and voluntarily, they provide information through forms on the sites operated by Blok. When the User registers and/or completes the forms offered by Blok, including the sites operated by Blok, all the Personal Data requested will be kept confidential and will be used only for the purposes that motivated the registration (reason for the contact and how can we help you? /what is your challenge?).

2.3 What is the purpose of this collection and how will the data be used?

Blok collects your data so that we can:

  1. Send exclusive content about our products, understand your business challenges and propose the best technical solution;
  2. Establish a business relationship when you use our electronic sales channel.

3. Data Sharing

Blok will not provide Personal Data collected on its sites. Some data collected by COOKIES may be shared with business and sales analysis partners as described in the Cookie Policy tab.

Blok may disclose your Personal Data in the following situations and in accordance with Legal Limits:

  1. For administrative purposes such as: research, planning, service development, security, and risk management;
  2. For the execution of a contract due to the purchase on our site, extending the data storage period to the end of the product warranty when it exists;
  3. When necessary as a result of a legal obligation, determination of a competent authority, or court decision.

4. Legal Reasons for Disclosing Your Data

Blok may disclose Personal Data to government agencies, consultants and other third parties for the purpose of complying with applicable legislation or court order, as well as the legal objectives listed below:

  1. Comply with legislation that requires such disclosure;
  2. Investigate, prevent, or take action related to suspected or actual illegal activities or to cooperate with public agencies or to protect national security;
  3. Execution of your contracts;
  4. Investigate and defend against any third-party claims or allegations;
  5. Protect the security or integrity of the services;
  6. Exercise or protect the rights, property, and safety of Blok and its affiliates or affiliates;
  7. Protect the rights and personal safety of your employees, users, or the public;
  8. In the event of the sale, purchase, merger, reorganization, liquidation, or dissolution of Blok, as strictly necessary and justified.

Blok will inform the respective Users of any legal demands that result in the disclosure of personal information, unless such disclosure is prohibited by law, prohibited by a court order or emergency. Blok may also contest such demands if it believes that the requests are excessive, vague, or made by incompetent authorities.

5. Personal Information Security

All Personal Data will be stored in the Blok database or in a database contracted by Blok in accordance with applicable data law (LGPD) and regulations of the National Data Protection Agency (ANPD).

Blok uses various security procedures and mechanisms to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of your data, preventing the occurrence of damages as a result of the processing of this data.

Although Blok uses all the necessary safety measures appropriate for its carrying and always aimed at prevention to avoid damage to Data Subjects, monitoring the security system and procedures to verify irregularities and attacks, constantly improving it and protecting their data from misuse and unauthorized use or changes, the User recognizes that there are no guarantees that the information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed, in the event of a violation of Victor Machado Advocacia's security protections and procedures by invasion, fortuitous event or force majeure.

Blok only processes Personal Data in situations where it is legally authorized or with your express and unequivocal consent of Data Subject. Such legal bases, such as your consent, for example, or the fulfillment of contracts, are expressly provided for by law (LGPD) and can be consulted in case of doubt.

6. Data Retention

Blok retains the data provided for as long as your registration is active or until deletion is requested.

Blok may keep Personal Data stored even after the end of the period described above or after a request for deletion if the data is necessary for legal or judicial purposes, in order to comply with legal obligations, dispute resolution, or security reasons on the part of both parties, such as preventing fraud, abuse, and non-compliance with contracts and agreements.

7. Access and Control Your Personal Data (Data Subject)

Blok would like to ensure that you are fully aware of all your data protection rights. Todo Data Subject you are entitled to the following:

  1. Access data: You have the right to request copies of your Personal Data from Blok.
  2. Rectify data: You have the right to request that Blok correct any information that you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask Blok to complete information that you believe is incomplete.
  3. Delete data: You have the right to request that Blok delete your Personal Data.
  4. Restrict data processing: you have the right to request that Blok restrict the processing of your Personal Data.
  5. Do not allow processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data.
  6. Data portability: You have the right to request that Blok transfer the data we collect to another organization, or directly to you.
  7. Complaint with the National Data Protection Agency (ANPD) in case of non-compliance with what has been stated here. If you would like to exercise any of these Data Subject rights, please contact us by email: that we will respond immediately and at no cost. Procedures for identifying the author of the request and the Data Subject will be executed as needed. Data from Headlines may be requested in person, by a prosecutor or on condition of death upon presentation of a certificate and kinship.

8. Policy Revisions

Blok keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places updates on this web page. Updates will be made when there is a change in the Legislation or Regulations of the ANPD.

9. Contact

If you have any questions about Blok's privacy policy, the legal bases for collection, treatment and storage, the data we hold about you, if you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights or to formalize a complaint, do not hesitate to contact us. Send an email to:

10. Mediation and Courts

This policy is subject to the Law of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the District Court of Sorocaba São Paulo/SP is competent to settle any dispute regarding it. Effective as of September 01, 2020

Data Privacy Policy Version History