
Water repellent for plaster

WhatsApp Waterproofing Block
water repellent for plaster
approved by those who know the most about the work: our customers.
Preparo do BlokGesso
Flávio - Canal: Aqui se faz aqui não paga
Gesso Hidrofugado
Flávio - Aqui Se Faz Aqui Não Paga
Gesso Hidrofugado
Flávio - Aqui Se Faz Aqui Não Paga
Revestimento 3D
Flávio - Aqui Se Faz Aqui Não Paga
Revestimento 3D em Gesso
Cliente: CDK Gesso
Gesso Liso Hidrofugado
Cliente: CDK Gesso
Revestimento de Gesso Liso
Cliente: CDK Gesso
Revestimento de Gesso 3D
Cliente: CDK Gesso
Gesso Liso Hidrofugado
Construtora Quantika
Revestimento de Gesso Liso
Cliente: CDK Gesso
Revestimento de Gesso Liso
Cliente: CDK Gesso
Revestimento de Gesso 3D
Cliente: ET 3D Gesso
What is it?

The missing product for every professional who works with plaster, BlokGesso is a high performance and durable water repellent for plaster.

Where to apply?

BlokGesso is a hydrophobic plaster suitable for the production of water-repellent parts such as drywall sheets, hydro plaster blocks, moldings, frames, 3D plaster plates, and plaster artifacts in general.

Why use?

BlokGesso is mixed during the manufacture of plaster parts, promoting hydrophobition and increasing the durability of the pieces when exposed to water. BlokGesso is a water repellent for plaster that is easy to homogenize in water, does not alter the characteristics of the plaster mortar, does not alter the curing time, does not change the color of the final plate, allows painting on the part and also its pigmentation during production.


Water repellent for plaster

Water repellent for plaster, BlokGesso. The missing product for professionals who work with plaster. Only those who try it know how innovative this product is.

Fields of application
  • Manufacture of drywall sheets
  • Water-repellent gypsum block (hydro)
  • 3D water-repellent gypsum board
  • Water-repellent sandals
  • Water-repellent moldings
  • Water-repellent gypsum artifacts
  • Low cost
  • Easy homogenization
  • Less than 5% water absorption
  • Complies with DIN EN 520
  • Does not change the resistance of the end piece
  • Does not change the color and brightness of the final piece
  • It increases the resistance of the part when exposed to moisture
Packaging and performance
  • 1,67 kg (Parte A+B) : 334 kg de gesso (para absorção menor ou igual a 5%)
  • 83,5 kg (Parte A+B) : 16.670 kg de gesso (para absorção menor ou igual a 5%)
  • 334 kg (Parte A+B) : 66.700 kg de gesso (para absorção menor ou igual a 5%)
Secure Application
When it comes to consumers,
we immediately think of three things: respect, respect, and respect.
Blok is a line of waterproofing products that always puts the quality of each product and the safety of our customers first. When handling chemicals, read all recommendations and don't forget to always use the safety equipment recommended on the label, Technical Data Sheet or FISPQ of each product.
Blok Waterproofing