ABNT NBR 5674 - Building Maintenance - Requirements for the Maintenance Management System

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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ABNT NBR 5674 - Building Maintenance - Requirements for the Maintenance Management System

Everything you need to know about NBR 5674!

Have you ever heard about NBR 5674, but don't you know exactly what she's talking about? Then this article is for you! Today, we are going to bring all the content covered by this standard, one of the most consulted when it comes to civil construction, as it establishes standards and outlines guidelines for the management of the building maintenance system. But why is it such an important issue? For the simple fact that preventive maintenance is essential to guarantee the safety of property users as well as to value assets, so maintenance must be contained in the annual planning of any construction in order to avoid the depreciation of the entire structure, right?

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According to the definition of the NBR itself, we have the following concept for maintenance:

Maintenance is the set of activities that must be carried out throughout the entire life of the building to conserve or recover its functional capacity and its constituent systems to meet the needs and safety of its users.

Therefore, although maintenance has a relatively high cost when compared to the initial cost of the work, it must be included in the budget planning. For this reason, NBR 5674 becomes so important, since the maintenance of any building is mandatory since, if not carried out, the entire structure may be compromised in terms of performance, safety, healthiness and aesthetics. Not to mention the social, economic, and environmental costs.

So, if you are an owner, trustee, administrator, condominium owner or if you just want to learn more about building maintenance, we prepared this article with the main topics covered by NBR 5674. Now, let's move on to its content.

On the understanding that this standard establishes the requisites for the management of the building maintenance system, which includes means to preserve the original characteristics of the building as well as to prevent the loss of performance resulting from the degradation of its systems, we can begin to understand the other topics covered by this standard. Shall we go?

Regulatory References:

For the application of NBR 5674, it is necessary to understand other regulations that are closely related to it. Therefore, it is important to also read the following rules:

  • NBR 9077, Emergency exit in buildings.
  • NBR 14037, Guidelines for the preparation of manuals for the use, operation and maintenance of buildings — Requirements for the preparation and presentation of content.
  • NBR 15575-1, Residential buildings of up to five floors — Performance — Part 1: General requirements.
  • NBR 15575-2, Residential buildings with up to five floors — Performance — Part 2: Requirements for structural systems.
  • NBR 15575-3, Residential buildings with up to five floors — Performance — Part 3: Requirements for indoor floor systems.
  • NBR 15575-4, Residential buildings with up to five floors — Performance — Part 4: External and internal vertical sealing systems.
  • NBR 15575-5, Residential buildings with up to five floors — Performance — Part 5: Requirements for roofing systems.
  • NBR 15575-6, Residential buildings with up to five floors — Performance — Part 6: Hydrosanitary systems.

Requirements for maintenance:

In this topic, NBR 5674 establishes which characteristics of buildings must be considered by the management of the maintenance system, namely:

  • typology;
  • effective use;
  • size and complexity of the building and its systems;
  • location and implications of the building's surroundings.

Maintenance must be guided by a set of guidelines that:

  • preserve expected project performance over time, minimizing asset depreciation;
  • establish the relevant information and communication flow;
  • establish the tasks and decision-making autonomy of those involved;

In the organization of the maintenance management system, material, technical, financial and human resources infrastructure must be provided, capable of meeting the different types of necessary maintenance: routine, corrective or preventive.

According to the standard, it is recommended that maintenance system management efficiency indicators be periodically evaluated and established, in order to include the following parameters:

  • service to the performance of buildings and their systems as described in ABNT NBR 15575 (Parts 1 and 6);
  • agreed deadline between the observation of the non-compliance and the completion of the maintenance service. ;
  • average response time to user requests and emergency interventions;
  • Periodicity of building inspections of use and maintenance established in the building operation, use and maintenance manual;
  • record of inspections.

Basic content of the inspection report:

Inspections must be carried out in accordance with NBR 14037 and the maintenance program for each building. They must be carried out using elaborate and ordered models, in order to facilitate registrations and their retrieval, considering:

  • an inspection script for building systems, subsystems, elements, equipment, and components;
  • the expected forms of manifestation of the natural degradation of building systems, subsystems, elements, equipment and components, associated with their useful life, as indicated in the manual, and that result in risks to the health and safety of users;
  • requests and complaints from users and owners.

Inspection reports must:

  • describe the degradation of each system, subsystem, elements, equipment, and building components;
  • point out and, whenever possible, estimate the loss of your performance;
  • recommendations to minimize corrective maintenance services;
  • contain a prognosis of events.

Maintenance Program

The maintenance program is the determination of the activities essential to maintenance, namely: periodicity, responsible for execution, reference documents, regulatory references, and necessary resources. These items must refer individually to the systems and, where applicable, to the elements, components, and equipment.

The maintenance program needs to be updated periodically. It should consider projects, memorials, supplier guidance, and user, operation, and maintenance manual (when any), in addition to specific characteristics, such as:

  • typology, complexity and regime of use of the building;
  • systems, materials and equipment;
  • age of buildings;
  • expected system durability (comply with NBR 15575);
  • inspection report, containing comparisons between the planned goals and the actual goals, both physical and financial;
  • inspection report, stating the non-compliances found;
  • inspection report on corrective and preventive actions;
  • requests and complaints from users and owners;
  • history of maintenance carried out;
  • traceability of services;
  • impacts related to the climatic and environmental conditions of the building site;
  • priority scale between the various services;
  • financial forecasting.

To complete, the program must contain at least one systematization or structure that contemplates:

  • system designation, when applicable to the elements and components;
  • description of the activity;
  • frequency, depending on each system, when applicable to the elements and components, subject to project requirements or technical specifications;
  • identification of those responsible;
  • reference documentation and forms of proof;
  • system verification mode;
  • cost.

Budgetary Forecasting/Budget and contracting of maintenance services

When we talk about maintenance, we have to understand that it requires a good reserve of financial resources. Therefore, the maintenance system must provide for the financial resources necessary to carry out maintenance services, whether preventive or corrective.

Not only should you make a prediction supple, considering a margin of error, just as it is also necessary to consider the cost-benefit ratio of maintenance services.

Thus, NBR 5674 advises how maintenance service budgets should be made, which must contain:

  • customer data;
  • scope of the services or object;
  • description of each activity, with the respective deadlines;
  • technical specifications for execution and future maintenance, drawings, calculations or projects, when applicable;
  • commercial conditions, amount, payment method and validity of the proposal;
  • legal responsibilities and obligations of each party, including compliance with relevant legislation regarding occupational safety;
  • indication of the technical responsible for the activity, when applicable;
  • guarantees and exclusions;
  • insurance forecast, if applicable.

Means of control:

During the process of carrying out maintenance services, it is necessary to ensure means that keep the building's safety intact, such as:

  • means that ensure conditions necessary for the safe carrying out of maintenance services;
  • means to protect building users and possible damages or losses resulting from the execution of maintenance services;
  • delimitations, information, and warning signs to users about possible risks.


The documentation and information record structure must be designed to provide evidence of the management of the maintenance program, cost-benefit in carrying out maintenance services, reduction of uncertainty in the planning, design, and execution of maintenance services, and assistance in the program and in the planning of future services.

The maintenance system documentation must contain:

  • manual for the operation, use and maintenance of buildings, according to ABNT 14037;
  • equipment and service providers' manual;
  • maintenance programs;
  • maintenance planning, containing what was planned and what was effective, both from a chronological and financial point of view;
  • signed contracts;
  • catalogs, executive memorials, projects, drawings, executive procedures for maintenance services, and technical proposals;
  • inspection report;
  • documents mentioned in ABNT NBR 14037:2001, Annex A, which must include the qualification of the responsible person and proof of renewal;
  • records of maintenance services performed;
  • minutes of meetings on matters related to maintenance;
  • technical services attribution of responsibility documents.


Records must be kept legible and available to evidence the effective implementation of the maintenance program, planning, inspections, and maintenance execution. Each record must contain the following information:

  • identification;
  • role of those responsible for data collection;
  • form of filing;
  • period of time in which the record must be stored, ensuring its integrity.


Not only is it enough to make the records, but you must also archive them and keep them available for consultation when requested. All maintenance service documentation must be filed as an integral part of the building's user, operation, and maintenance manual, under the custody of the legal guardian.

Management indicators:

It is recommended that the maintenance management system has efficiency indicators to assess:

  • relationship between cost, estimated and actual time performed;
  • success rate of interventions (measured by the necessary rework);
  • cost-benefit ratio generated by maintenance over time;
  • preservation of the value of the building throughout its useful life.

Assets or charges:

The standard establishes the duties of owners, condominiums, builders, joint owners and trustees, since each of them is responsible for a service. Take a look at the standard to understand the role of each one of them, as it explains it quite clearly.


Without a doubt, NBR 5674 is important to guide building maintenance systems. If you follow all the steps that we explain here, it is quite possible that you will be able to carry out a system in a planned and effective way.

In addition, we emphasize that always follow the guidelines of NBR's it is essential for the success of the works and, more specifically, NBR 5674 outlines a fundamental guideline to keep buildings in good condition.

Therefore, be sure to consult it in full so that you can understand and apply all your requirements! And remember that if you need, you can count on Blok!


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