How to set up an apartment renovation schedule

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to set up an apartment renovation schedule

Home improvement reality shows are on the rise. However, with them, sometimes, one can create a false idea about how a reform schedule actually works for flat, which may lead to an impression of simplicity that does not encompass the real complexity and difficulty of these initiatives.

In fact, when the client is looking for a specialized company, the two variables that are usually central refer to time and cost. And these can only be predicted more assertively when you have a good renovation schedule in hand, whether it is a total or partial intervention of the apartment, this preliminary stage is crucial for the success of the project.

Broadly speaking, renovations include the restoration or replacement of some building elements, removing, modifying, and inserting new elements and installations. Naturally, many factors can impact the renovation schedule, from project size to materials used.

Therefore, read on and see tips to help you develop the renovation schedule for your projects.

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How much time should be set aside in the apartment renovation schedule?

There is no single rule, the time will vary depending on several factors, from the age of the apartment, its footage and what changes your client wants.

In general, in older buildings that have not yet undergone more significant renovations, mainly involving electricity and hydraulics, the renovation may take longer and may take up to six months to complete.

On the other hand, reforms that require less complex interventions, such as the change of liners, ceiling installation and more specific transformations may require between two and three months in the renovation schedule.

In turn, the simplest interventions, in new buildings, with renovations in dry areas, installation of lighting in existing spots, simple new painting may require between one and two months.

There are also minor occasional renovations, such as installing lamps, painting a room, etc., which only take a few days or weeks.

To set up the apartment renovation schedule, you can consider these average periods, adjusting them according to the reality of each project:

  • Planning: 1 month;
  • Demolition: 2 weeks;
  • HVAC, electrical and simple hydraulics: 5 days;
  • Painting: 1 week;
  • Cabinets and accessories: 1 week;
  • Doors and windows: 5 days;
  • Apartment cleaning and ventilation: 1 day;
  • Flats: 1 week;
  • Completion of the work: 1 week.

How to make an apartment renovation schedule?

Renovating an apartment is different from working on a house, as there's a greater limitation on the type of structural renovation one can do - such as removing walls and altering the unit's floor plan.

In most cases, this is not possible, as it would affect the structural integrity of the building, since many walls internal ones would probably withstand loads. Therefore, it is also necessary to guide your client regarding these aspects.

That said, to make an apartment renovation schedule, it must be considered that it covers different phases and interventions connected to each other in the unitary project.

Here are some of the basic steps to help with this work:

1. On-site inspection

The first phase involves the inspection of the site and a precise survey, with verification of the condition of the main facilities (hydraulic, thermal, electrical). A metric, material and photographic survey of the state of the property must also be carried out.

It is important not to neglect this step. It will serve as the basis for structuring an adequate and reliable reform schedule and a safe, assertive project that meets the needs of your client.

It is also important to remember that, especially in more significant renovations, this work will need the support of specialized professionals, such as architect and engineer. They must check the structure of the condominium and any plumes to verify that it will be possible to carry out the project according to plan.

Still, it is necessary to arrive at local laws. In São Paulo, for example, it is required to have a document signed by the person responsible for the reform project - the so-called Technical Responsibility Register (RRT), registered by the Brazilian Architecture and Urbanism Council (CAU).

And, if an engineer is also involved in the reform, he will need to issue a Technical Responsibility Note (ART), a document that communicates to the Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council (CREA) who is responsible for the work.

Subsequently, according to the client's indications and requests, the apartment is redesigned for functional and architectural purposes. During the progress of the three different phases of the project (preliminary, definitive and executive), the necessary elements are created to prepare a cost estimate and obtain the financial assessment of the entire intervention.

2. Understanding the customer's objectives

In parallel with the inspection, it is important to listen carefully to your client to understand their goals with the reform. This can be fundamentally aesthetic (giving a new style to the apartment) or functional (correcting/improving something that is not working to the satisfaction).

Based on this understanding, you will be able to detect your priorities and how to achieve the expected result with the reform.

Also, with this, it will be possible to properly develop the project and inform your client in detail about what will actually need to be done for their objectives to be met. For instance, he may not have initially considered building regulations that may involve details such as fire doors and a sprinkler system as part of a loft conversion.

3. Study and project

After these preliminary surveys and alignments, it is necessary to consider in the reform schedule a period for the execution and approval of the study and reform project, providing details and guidelines that, later, must be sent to the construction managers and will serve as a guide for the execution of the reform.

4. Approval with the condominium

Na ABNT Standard No. 16,280, it is established, among other things, that a qualified professional must develop the documentation of the work (with the project), collect a guide from CREA and bring it to the approval of the condominium, even before starting the work.

There are variations between condominiums regarding the renovation authorization requirements and rules that need to be followed.

5. Cost survey

This is an essential stage for the renovation schedule and the execution of the work. To estimate the total cost of an apartment renovation project, it is necessary to prepare a detailed estimate that associates the work to be performed with the relative quantities and unit costs.

Remember that projects that are imprecisely estimated before their start will result in greater investments in time and cost, as new problems are discovered and this may affect your relationship with the client and, even, your continuity with the project.

6. Choice of materials and negotiation of deliveries with suppliers

In parallel with the creation of the budget, it is important to already consider the best material options and a delivery schedule so that the renovation schedule is efficient and as accurate as possible.

Remind your client that good quality materials extend the lifespan of their apartment and can also save money in the long run. Also, take into account important factors such as sustainability and environmental impact, structural capacity, thermal performance, acoustic insulation, Impermeability and fire resistance.

After that, work to ensure that the materials arrive on time. Take the case of windows, for example. On the one hand, they are bulky items, so it is difficult to find space to store them on site if they are delivered ahead of schedule so they can be installed; on the other hand, many other jobs cannot be completed until the windows are in place, so if the delivery is delayed, this should affect compliance with the schedule. Therefore, good planning of delivery dynamics aligned with the stages of your schedule is crucial.

To assist in this management, there are professionals who use Gantt charts, which are a project planning spreadsheet. They allow you to define how long the various phases will take and what specific jobs need to be done in each one.

7. Start of the work

Finally, after proceeding with the choice of the materials to be used in the renovation, the works begin. As a rule, large projects must be carried out first because subsequent projects are impacted by them.

8. Demolition and structural repair

You'll need to make sure that the construction is structurally sound before anything else begins. Work at this early stage ranges from removing old extensions that will be replaced to repairing beams, stabilizing walls, and fixing moisture problems.

9. HVAC, electrical and hydraulic

This involves any work done below the floor or behind the walls, such as installing ducts for central heating and air conditioning, installing new electrical and hydraulic systems, etc.

Since the wiring and plumbing will probably need to be done, handle all the rough work before the cladding, drywall, and painting jobs, as they can be damaged in the process.

10. Weatherproofing and external finishes

This includes any updates to the roof covering, exterior walls, doors, and windows. Once this is ready, you must have a dry apartment to carry out the remaining internal procedures.

11. First corrections

In the renovation schedule, this is when everything that happens behind the scenes to make the apartment run smoothly is installed. Carpentry work takes place here, such as new beam walls, as well as the assembly of pipes, cables, insulation and boiler.

12. Plastering

With all the work inside the walls completed, you can Seal them for decoration - start with the ceiling so that the finish on other parts is smooth.

13. Second correction

It is at this point that the interiors will really begin to take shape, as you will fit the elements with which the client will be interacting on a daily basis. This includes lighting fixtures and sanitary ware, for example.

14. Floors

Generally speaking, it's best to postpone floor installation until the end of the renovation process, so that it does not suffer scratches, cuts, or damage.

15. Finishes and decoration

Once the floor is installed, it's time to follow the renovation schedule for the finishes, such as the door frames and the baseboards. Anything that could be damaged in the previous steps should be left for last.

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