Avoid 3 Common Mistakes During the Foundation

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Avoid 3 Common Mistakes During the Foundation

In this material you will learn how to avoid 3 simple mistakes made during the construction of the foundation that can help you save time and money, in addition to avoiding future problems with the construction.

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1. When starting a project, it is necessary to keep in mind the basic notions of the execution of its foundations, and the correct construction of a baldrame beam is essential in this process.

The Baldrame beam is part of a structural project and, therefore, in order to fulfill its supporting role and not cause pathologies in the works, basically, its hardware must be covered with a layer of at least 3 cm of concrete and the leveling masonry must be made using concrete blocks structural or refired solid bricks.

One of the problems we see in the works is the presence of apparent hardware on the baldrames beams.

This happens during their concreting, when 3 cm of concrete is needed on the hardware on all sides; if the hardware becomes apparent in this process, they will not fulfill their structural role well, being subject to corrosion, aesthetic and, in the future, structural damage.

Viga Baldrame - Blok Impermeabilizantes

2. Another obvious problem is the use of solid unburnt bricks, drilled bricks or structural ceramic blocks in leveling masonry.

The choice of unburned solid bricks is due to their lower value, but their price is only 5 to 10% lower than refired bricks.

Thus, this economy is not worth it, because its use compromises the quality of the works, generating recurring moisture problems.

The issue of using perforated bricks also negatively interferes with the structure of your construction.

This happens with the choice of Baianinho or Baianão bricks in the leveling masonry, which, when compressed by the weight of the walls, will be crushed and, thus, the base on which the waterproofing was made must crumble, causing infiltration problems since the waterproofing layer will be damaged.

Thus, the ideal is to prevent, under any circumstances, drilled bricks to make leveling masonry.

Holed and unburned bricks further increase problems, causing pathologies much earlier than expected.

Viga Baldrame - Blok Impermeabilizantes

Also, the use of structural ceramic blocks is not the best option for making leveling masonry, since the fact that this block is structural does not mean that it will have infinite resistance to moisture; it can also dissolve or delaminate in the waterproofing layer that will be made and, thus, it will not work properly, causing infiltration and could eventually cause structural damage.

Therefore, the materials for leveling masonry must, compulsorily, be structural concrete blocks or ceramic bricks massive and reburned.

Viga Baldrame - Blok Impermeabilizantes

3. In case two asphalt waterproofing, there is a limitation with regard to this wrapping mortar, since it must be dry in order to use solvent-based asphalt paint.

In addition, any asphalt waterproofing agent cannot be used at the head of the columns, as it causes a sectioning (i.e., “separates”) between the baldrame beam and the column.

An asphalt option for waterproofing wet wrapping mortars would be to use asphalt emulsions, as they are water-based asphalt and are able to anchor on the mortar while still wet. Even so, the best option would still be the use of polymer mortars.

Like the polymer mortars They are cement-based products and, of course, cure with water, can be applied to the wrapping mortar that is still wet, which may be of the flexible or semi-flexible type, internally structured (they do not require the use of polyester fabric) and can and should be used on the head of the pull-ups of the columns in Viga Baldrame.

Flexible or semi-flexible polymeric mortars that are not internally structured (they require polyester mesh) must be used on column heads without the use of polyester fabrics.

Thus, when they are applied to the head of the column rips, the concrete placed against moist soil, it will absorb moisture, preventing it from passing to the column, which will not distribute moisture to the brickwork and, consequently, will not distribute moisture to the plastering, which could puff up the paintings and cause greater harm than aesthetic damage, which is to harm human health, since a humid house can cause respiratory problems.

Therefore, waterproofing is also a public health issue. Blok, for any challenge.


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