Understand Everything About Concrete Permeability and Its Importance

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Understand Everything About Concrete Permeability and Its Importance

When using concrete in civil construction, there are several factors that can directly influence the result of the work. The permeability of concrete, for example, is a property that increases durability that, over time, can suffer damage due to external factors, such as rainwater.

For a concrete to be considered to be of good durability, the water-cement ratio and permeability must be observed, that is, the capacity of the material to absorb moisture. However, other factors need to be analyzed when choosing the best material, such as the pores of the concrete. Understand now!

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What are the types of pores in concrete?

A concrete structure it is complex and composed of many empty and solid components. The process of hydrating the cement mass forms several pores within the structure. These pores are responsible for transporting certain substances, such as water and harmful gases, to the inside of the material.

An excellent alternative to prevent the deterioration of concrete and its reinforcement is to reduce the flow of these substances within its structure. And in order to calculate the permeability level of the material and ensure good strength, it is necessary to understand about the types of pores in concrete and how to classify them.

Types of pores

There are air pores, which are classified into two types: trapped air pores, which appear in Concretion of concrete, and those with incorporated air, which are the result of the use of specific additives for the incorporation of air. There are also interlaminar pores, which are manifested between concrete hydration products, and capillary pores, which appear in the space not occupied by these moisturizers.

Pore sizes

There are large pores or macropores, capillary pores, mesopores, and micropores. As these pores help the penetration of harmful agents into the concrete, the material should ideally have few holes, so that it can offer greater durability.

How to determine the permeability of concrete?

The higher the porosity of the concrete, the more chance of moisture entering the material. To reduce this porosity, it is important to use concrete with a low water-cement ratio and to make use of waterproofing agents, products that decrease permeability and increase material strength.

What are the tests that determine the permeability of concrete?

In Brazil, there are tests that are able to identify and determine the permeability level of concrete. All are established in Brazilian standards regulated by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). The main essays are:

  • NBR 10786: determines the water permeability coefficient;
  • NBR 10787: determines the penetration of water under pressure;
  • NBR 9778: determines the absorption of water by the index of voids, immersion and mass;
  • NBR 9779: determines the absorption of water by capillarity.

Therefore, the permeability of the concrete is important to ensure greater durability and resistance to the work. Concretes with low permeability have low water-cement ratio indices and a satisfactory capacity to absorb moisture. In addition, quality waterproofing products give the material more efficiency.

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