Learn How to Solve a Concrete Slab Infiltration Problem

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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Learn How to Solve a Concrete Slab Infiltration Problem

As infiltration of slabs can cause a lot of inconvenience and headaches for residents and homeowners. They contribute to the proliferation of fungi, mold, and bacteria, and can cause damage to the building structure, as well as paint wear, cracks, stains and cracks. The infiltration of a concrete slab can cause serious problems throughout the building structure.

Preventing the appearance of infiltrations is essential for ensure safety and durability of construction. But when they appear, they need to be treated immediately to avoid major losses. It is often not easy to check if there is water seeping inside the wall, but some signs indicate the problem. In this post, we will talk about the possible origins of infiltrations and how to stop them. Check it out!

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What are the origins of the infiltration?

When you notice the first signs of infiltration in the slab or walls, steps must be taken to ensure that the damage and losses are not too significant. However, it is not always simple to detect if water is seeping into the slab or walls.

At the beginning of infiltration into slabs, for example, dark spots may appear and, in more advanced situations, there is the presence of mold and peeling of the paint. On the other hand, on the walls, moisture can be an indicator of infiltration, as well as the appearance of mold, cracks, drips, and stains. There are several reasons that lead to the appearance of infiltration in buildings, including:

  • deterioration due to the action of time;
  • cracks caused by poor curing of the slab;
  • inefficient waterproofing of foundations and floors;
  • lack of waterproofing of the slab;
  • lack of waterproofing maintenance;
  • leaking gutters;
  • broken tiles;
  • points that favor water accumulation;
  • cracks on the outside of the construction, allowing rainwater to penetrate;
  • leakage in the pipes;
  • walls built on borders.

How to solve the problems of infiltration in a concrete slab?

The infiltration of the slab occurs due to a fault in the waterproofing process or even the absence of products capable of sealing water from entering. Once the problem has been identified, it is necessary to recompose the coating to prevent further damage.

One of the most efficient ways to prevent the appearance of infiltration in slabs of concrete and from reinforcement corrosion, it is properly waterproofed the surface, immediately after installation. There are some waterproofing alternatives, such as the cementitious polymer membrane, also known as polymer mortar, and also the acrylic membrane, also known as a liquid blanket.

NBR 9574 and NBR 9575

The Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT) establishes regulations related to waterproofing. A NBR 9574 and NBR 9575 contain requirements and recommendations related to the waterproofing project, with minimum requirements that must be followed to ensure watertightness of the elements of a building.

Therefore, seeping into a concrete slab can cause aesthetic damage, such as stains, fungi, and paint peeling, and cause serious risks for the entire building. To avoid these problems, the correct execution of the waterproofing project. With that in mind, Blok developed the best products waterproofing agents for its construction.

Do you want to know more? Get in touch with us and discover incredible solutions for waterproof slabs and walls!


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