How to Roughcast the Wall: Complete Guide to 2024

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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How to Roughcast the Wall: Complete Guide to 2024

How to Slap the Wall: Learn the Step by Step

For a well-finished wall, three steps must be done the right way, and learning how to splash the wall the right way is the first of them. You should know that for the wall to be ready to receive the final coating, it must go through the processes of: plastering, plastering and plastering. By carrying out these steps correctly, following the advice of specialists and consulting the NBR's on the subject, you will surely have the result you expect: a wall with an impeccable and longer lasting finish.

On the other hand, we were able to notice many buildings with poorly finished, deteriorated walls and with the final coating degrading more quickly. And most often, these problems originate from the poorly executed steps of cladding structures and brickwork. Whether done the wrong way or skipping steps, the consequences are serious, as the work loses quality, which requires constant maintenance and expenses.

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Therefore, we have prepared a sequence of materials that will assist you in the process of carrying out the coating of masonry and structures. To begin with, let's talk here about roughcast, which is the first step to be carried out and which must be done very well to avoid the lack of adhesion of the subsequent coating, which can leave the wall fragile and looking unfinished. So come with us, because we will explain everything what you need to know about roughcast, care, application, step by step and also what the technical standards guide! Don't miss this opportunity and keep reading!

What Is Roughcast?

To understand how to do it the right way, you need to know, first of all, what roughcast is. So let's go. Roughcast is a more fluid mortar mix, used as the first layer on a wall to facilitate the adhesion of the plastering, which will then be covered by the plaster.

The main advantage that roughcast offers for cladding the structure is the fact that it provides support for plastering. This means that if the plastering if applied directly to a wall that has not been plastered, it is likely that plastering has no adhesion to the surface; therefore, roughcast provides the roughness necessary to adhere to the plastering, preventing the material from peeling off the brick or block.

There are two ways of plastering the wall: the traditional way, in which the bricklayer himself prepares the dough, following a very specific line with CP II or CP V cement, which is then applied to the surface; and the ready-made one, which consists of the use of the ready-made mixture sold in building material stores. When the dough is handled in the traditional way, it is important to certify that the bricklayer is aware of what he is doing, so that he can correct the consistency of the roughcast and have no future problems, understand?

Types of roughcasts

Now that we've made it clear what roughcast is, let's understand what its classifications are. Generally speaking, we can divide the splashing into:

  1. Conventional: can be defined as a mortar with good fluidity, applicable with a mason's spoon, composed of hydraulic binder (cement) and coarse-grained aggregate (sand or stone dust). The volumetric trace can be from 1:2 to 1:3, which, when adding water, may or may not contain additives, has hardening and adhesion properties on the ceramic substrate or concrete.
  2. Glue: It is a high-consistency mortar, applicable with a toothed cutter, composed of hydraulic binder (cement), fine aggregate (sand, usually 45/50 to 60/70 mesh), containing water-retaining additives, redispersible adhesive polymers and, possibly, adhesion retardants. It also has hardening properties and high adhesion on low-porosity surfaces, such as concrete columns and beams, in addition to semi-flexible polymeric mortar.
  3. Rolled: good-flowing mortar, applicable with a paint roller, composed of hydraulic binder (cement) and fine agglomerate (fine sand), with the addition of adhesives (BlokFix, for example, which we will talk about later), with hardening and adhesion properties on surfaces, generally in EPS.

How to Squat the Wall Step by Step

Now, let's get to what really matters: The step by step of how to splash the wall.

  1. First, the substrate that will receive the roughcast application must comply with NBR 7200. However, we can mention some extremely important prerequisites for the application of roughcast mortars: clean substrate, substrate free of release agent or any other physical or chemical contaminant, substrate free of efflorescence or, if any, must be treated with an appropriate product, such as Blok Eflohard, an intact substrate, which cannot be degraded, with low mechanical resistance, or delaminated. In the case of conventional roughcast, the substrate must be moistened in order to provide better conditions for the curing process, increasing its mechanical properties.
  2. Now, it's time to prepare the mortar. To do this, it is necessary to separate the materials and follow a specific trace. The most common for wall splashing is 1:3, that is, one can of cement for three of coarse-grained sand. There is no standard amount of water to be added, but it must be mixed gradually with the ingredients. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the consistency of the mortar, which should be more fluid to facilitate application and ensure better adhesion.
  3. When mixing the components for the preparation of the mortar, many people choose to use a specific product to further increase adhesion. And we manufacture the BlokFix, which has the best result on the market, since, in addition to ensuring better adhesion due to its high adhesive power, it reduces cracks and increases the resistance of mortars. Be sure to check out our product to further increase the quality of your works!
  4. Once the materials have been mixed, it's time to apply. It is a very easy and quick process, where you only need a mason spoon and a masseuse to place the dough. From there, with the spoon, you have to take the roughcast and throw it against the wall, making a diagonal movement from top to bottom, using all the dough that is in the spoon. Care must be taken to dosage the force so as not to spread too much or too little, not to leave uncovered areas and to keep the thickness of the roughcast layer from 3 mm to 5 mm. Also, it is essential to wait at least 3 days to start plastering over the roughcast, however, we know that in practice you don't normally wait that long.
  5. This is the traditional method, when applying conventional roughcast, but it is still possible to verify other forms of application, which vary according to the type of roughcast to be applied, requiring the use of tape cutters, in the case of adhesive roughcast and paint roller, when talking about rolled roughcast.
  6. There are other methods that can be used, with the use of tools such as chapisqueira and even brooms, that can make the process more efficient.

What Do NBR's Say About Roughcast?

Now that you know how to plaster a wall the right way, it's important to know what the technical standards say about it to always work within the required standards, right? So, it is highly recommended that you make a habit of consulting them before carrying out any construction procedure! Let's summarize it here to make it very easy!

The standard states, regarding the constitution of the coatings, that wall and ceiling coverings can consist of roughcast and plastering, as a single-layer coating, or of roughcast, plastering and plastering. This article aimed to explain roughcast, but you can see it in our Blog the other topics.

Just to confirm what we said, NBR 13529/2013 defines roughcast as a “base preparation layer, applied continuously or discontinuously, with the purpose of standardizing the surface with regard to uptake and improve coating adhesion”. That's exactly what we said!

Regarding the application of roughcast, NBR 7200 states that roughcast mortar must be applied with a fluid consistency, by casting it on the wall and ensures the use of additives that improve adhesion. Finally, it determines that in regions where the climate is very dry and hot, roughcast must be protected from the direct action of the sun and wind through processes that keep the surface moisture at least 12 hours after application.

Roughcast Care

When plastering the wall, you need to pay attention to cautions that must be taken to avoid problems and accidents. Let's understand better:

  1. Care: As we have said, it takes at least 3 days after applying the roughcast to start plastering. However, this time may vary depending on the amount of the mixture applied. So it's good to check if it's really dry before starting the next step, but roughcast generally dries very quickly!
  2. Consistency: the consistency of the mortar must be in the right measure when splashing. Therefore, test on a smaller area, before applying to the entire wall;
  3. Discovered spaces: the entire surface must be covered with roughcast, to provide the adhesion that plastering and plastering need;
  4. Protection: don't forget to use PPE's to avoid accidents!

Now that you know everything about how to splash a wall the right way, you can't go wrong anymore and you'll still be able to guarantee the best quality works. If you want more, discover BlokFix, which is the right product to obtain different results! With it, your buildings will be recognized for their quality and durability! Do you want more than that? Take a look at our site to learn about the other products from Blok!


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