4 Types of Infiltration That Can Be Prevented in Your Work

Antonio Neves
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Antonio Neves
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4 Types of Infiltration That Can Be Prevented in Your Work

With a very similar appearance, many people think that there is only one type of infiltration. However, this is not true, and the differentiation has an impact on prevention and correction strategies.

We can divide these forms into four groups: infiltration, condensation, capillary and weather infiltration. They can appear in various structures of the work, such as slabs, roofs, and windows, and cause important structural pathological manifestations - such as mold, cracks, efflorescence and corrosion of metal structures.

Therefore, it is essential to take adequate and extensive preventive measures. Do you want to know which ones? Read on and check it out!

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What are the types of seeping into walls?

On a daily basis, we use the term “infiltration” to refer to all types of wetness. However, there are significant differences between them, with practical implications. Look!

1. Negative Pressure Infiltration

This type of humidity, for Negative pressure, is common in Brazilian residential buildings, since it is very common to fail waterproofing during the construction process. This type of infiltration is also very common in building works.

In this case, water from the wet ground penetrates directly through the walls. For this reason, it is very common in areas located below the water table or exposed to constant rains.

Negative pressure waterproofing can be done with both physical barriers, such as blankets , how much with membranes.

2. Infiltration by inclement weather

In fact, most seeps are, technically, a form of moisture from bad weather, which occurs through the direct action of rain on roofs, walls, and facades. If the water finds a gap in the seal, it will accumulate in the infrastructure and gradually form an infiltration.

To prevent it, several measures must be taken, such as:

  • installation of gutters;
  • calculation of the correct roof slope;
  • tile maintenance; and
  • Use of water repellents on the facades.

3. Condensation infiltration

It occurs when vapor particles come into contact with a cold surface and return to a liquid state, being more common in humid places that emit steam - such as boiler rooms, heated houses, and bathrooms.

This type of infiltration is worrisome, as it penetrates more deeply into the pores of the plasters and other coating materials. Thus, they favor the formation of mold.

Due to its characteristics, it must be combated with measures to improve ventilation, allowing steam to be eliminated quickly from the environment. For this purpose, exhaust fans and windows can be installed when they are not possible in buildings.

Another essential measure is the use of waterproof covers, such as plaster with water repellent and polymer mortars. These materials increase surface tension and prevent water from accumulating.

4. Ascending infiltration by capillarity

This type of infiltration is caused by the inadequate waterproofing of the materials used in the floor and the underpinning. In this way, the moisture present in the soil is able to enter the pores of mortars and concrete, penetrating progressively through the capillarity of the materials.

Over time, these materials expand significantly, and the effects become more apparent as the coatings break and peel off. Another fairly common sign is the formation of efflorescence on the lower third of the walls.

For this reason, the best action to avoid this humidity is to waterproof these places with negative pressure waterproofing agents, such as Block STP, in addition, the use of additives such as rigid waterproofing in concrete and mortar they can help reduce the capillary absorption of materials.

If the problem is not corrected, it may worsen, since the moisture that comes from the floor evaporates into the environment and also favors condensation, in addition to penetrating the structure of the walls and causing serious pathological manifestations.

What are the places subject to infiltration in a building?

Now let's talk about the regions that are most subject to moisture in a construction. Prevention measures must take into account the characteristics of each of them. Check it out!


These areas accumulate a lot of moisture, since the water draining through the walls has its speed reduced when it comes into contact with the reinforcements. Thus, there is a greater chance of penetration through possible breaches without sealing adequate.

To prevent this problem, the adhesive used to fix the parts must be waterproof and fill the entire gap between the window and the wall with sealant suitable for the application.


Roofs are regions that favor the appearance of infiltrations, as they have a significant horizontal plane and come into direct contact with the elements. Therefore, they need several measures to Avoid moisture, such as:

  • installation of flexible waterproofing, when the material of the tiles is not completely waterproof or favors gaps between the pieces;
  • adequate calculation of the roof slope, to allow adequate water flow;
  • installation and maintenance of gutters suitable for the volume of water.


The slabs can be covered or uncovered, influencing the prevention strategies to be used. In the first case, they receive part of the volume of water that the roofs cannot seal. This liquid can accumulate and take a long time to evaporate, since the slab cover protects it from the action of the sun and promotes condensation.

In this way, the slabs they are exposed to a constant layer of water with a high penetrating capacity. Thus, it is necessary to use a flexible, high-performance waterproofing agent to prevent this type of occurrence. In addition, pipes must be installed to drain the accumulated liquid and carry out constant maintenance of the tiles.

In the case of exposed slabs, where the sun helps to evaporate water, flexible waterproofing is still very important, as is a drainage system. Technical standards recommend the measurement whenever blades are formed for more than 30 minutes.

What are the pathological manifestations caused by moisture?

Taking care of infiltration into structures is very important, as they cause negative structural and aesthetic pathological manifestations for buildings, such as:

  • mold — accumulation of fungi on the walls, which release spores and can cause serious allergies in residents or users;
  • cracks — small cracks, often not visible, that favor the entry of even more moisture;
  • Trincas — larger ruptures that may expose supporting structures, causing a significant risk to construction; and
  • corrosion of metal structures — these are the structures that support buildings. If they are damaged, they may compromise the safety of individuals.

With these tips to combat all types of infiltration, it is possible to bring much more security to your construction. These measures are essential to comply with all Brazilian technical standards and bring much more satisfaction to your customers.

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