8 Waterproofing Systems and Types for You to Know!
In the midst of so many systems and types of waterproofing available on the market, it is very common for engineers and architects to be a bit confused when choosing the best option. After all, this is a very specific subject - and you need to gain a lot of experience to master it.
Waterproofing is an essential part of the project and is regulated by several NBR. To help you out, I made a complete post for you, showing the main systems and types of waterproofing agents. Follow up!
Generally speaking, there are two types waterproofing in the market: The rigid and the flexible. The use will depend exclusively on the characteristics of the structures and the materials to which they will be applied. In other words, it is not a choice in itself: if a certain surface requires a flexible one, only it can be used.
For this reason, one of the most important steps in preparing a project is to list the requirements of each party in relation to type of waterproofing.
It is suitable for structures that are not subject to large movements. In addition, they cannot be exposed to mechanical stress, which can be caused by intense vibrations or constant impacts.
It is usually made by applying chemical additives to mortars or in the form of rigid acrylic membranes. For this reason, to ensure complete waterproofing, it must be planned taking into account aggregates and other sealing strategies of a structure.
This care is important to prevent waterproofing flaws on surfaces that are subject to fissures and cracks. So, it is recommended for wall baldrames and baseboards.
The flexible type, on the other hand, is aimed at surfaces that are subject to dilation and vibrations. The waterproofers used here have more elastic properties. Therefore, they can conform to the structure during movement and thus cover cracks and cracks. In other words, it is the most used option outside buildings, especially in regions that are very exposed to the sun.
It is excellent for indoor areas and can be applied to floor slabs and balconies. For commercial and industrial use, it is very suitable for suspended reservoirs and tanks. In addition to the most common use that is in swimming pools.
There are two main types of flexible waterproofing:
In addition, it is important to remember that to increase waterproofing efficiency, several overlapping layers of different materials can be applied.
In recent years, a new type of waterproofing: the semi-flexible. For this reason, it has not yet been included in Brazilian technical standards. So, it is necessary to be very careful when using it, describing it properly during the basic project and the executive project.
Basically, it consists of a bicomponent material (polymer mortar), a powder added to a liquid. When mixed, they form an easy-to-apply mortar.
Although they have intermediate characteristics between rigid and flexible, they are contraindicated on surfaces subject to thermal expansion.
In addition, they have low mechanical resistance, which does not allow them to be used on surfaces subject to traction and friction, with the traffic of people and equipment.
This system is applied to the cold place. Among its main advantages are:
For this reason, it is indicated in projects of waterproofing from slabs.
Acrylic membranes can be applied cold to the construction site and, in the form of an emulsion, can be added to mortars as an additive. In this way, they are perfectly compatible with both flexible and semi-flexible waterproofing. They can meet all your waterproofing coating demands, from positive hydrostatic pressures.
This system can also be applied cold, as if it were a painting. Multiple layers can be made to improve waterproofing efficiency. In addition, it has:
All of this will bring a lot of versatility to any challenge in your work.
Asphalt blankets are prefabricated materials, tailor-made for your work. Its application must be done under heat to ensure full adhesion to surfaces. They are extremely practical and quick to apply. One of its great differentials is its enormous elasticity, being one of the options for flexible waterproofing.
However, due to the emergence of cold application technologies, blankets are no longer being used as before. As a result, they lost their leadership, since, a few years ago, they were the most popular waterproofing agents on the market.
A mortar Polymeric consists of cement, mineral aggregates and acrylic polymer additives. As we explained, it is a bicomponent system and must be mixed, proportionately, as indicated by the manufacturer. When dry, it becomes an excellent semi-flexible, flexible or rigid waterproofing agent.
Because of this versatility, this type of waterproofing is recommended both for positive and negative hydrostatic pressure waterproofing.
Its application is done cold with the use of polyester rolls and fabrics, for structuring. The performer must be very careful with regard to the healing times when executing each coat. As it has low surface mechanical resistance, the use of a protective coating is recommended in case of traffic.
Os water repellents are products that can be applied to plaster, in the mortars and in the concrete. Their waterproofing action is quite interesting: they present a surface tension of the structure, so when they come into contact with the structure, they drain quickly. For this reason, they are also called water repellents.
They differ from most waterproofing agents in that, in addition to preventing water from entering the structures, they also prevent their adhesion, leaving the surface completely dry. Therefore, they are ideal for places that must always be dry.
However, this is a rigid waterproofing system, and cannot be used in places subject to high thermal expansion or mechanical stress due to vibrations.
A great advantage of the material is its low cost, allowing it to be used in works of different budgets. It is commonly applied to exposed concrete, exposed bricks, and building facades with ceramic textures or coatings.
As we have seen, the right choice of systems and types of waterproofing is essential for the success of your project. That is why it is so important to have specialized help in the matter. In addition, choosing the products of the best brands will be essential so that you do not have any problems in the future.
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